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Listen to this Pleiadian podcast below.
In this channeling:
- What will happen as people begin to wake up and to feel?
- How the story of Scrooge is an analogy for some who are following a dark spiral path.
- How 2012 will come and go very quickly, for some it will seem to linger for a long time.
- How to slow down time to get the most out of it and step past 2012 prepared.
- How getting into a dialogue with your spirit guides will assist you.
- How you affect where you find yourself and the gap between intention and effect is really, really small.
- See barriers to your wishes, to your desires as no real barrier to you at all.
- Why nothing is broken and from a higher perspective, this is a process.
- How you can have an effect on time and see how that can also be connected to synchronicities.
- How many have been following their piece of the bigger puzzle and now they are ready to bring it to the table so that it can be placed with the other pieces.
- See groupings getting together and sharing their information. Those who would hoard information, those who hide it, those who would try to profit from it, see them growing up.
- So 2012, take notes, not that you will have to read them, but it will be helpful for you to mark them.
- The dark wants to shut the internet down because they know it is a wonderful tool of the Light, but see the Light winning out.
- See a world of free flowing ideas, where talent can flourish.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x79xAfs-BfU&context=C3ef8360ADOEgsToPDskJ6BuzUXx_jkTZ4-SHUMWQk Love the update and any advice?
Hello Again to the Vehicle, the Pleiadians and Friends on the Pleiadian Network
It was a pleasure to listen to the January 1, 2012 channeling. The peaceful powerful messages are all of great importance. In your earlier channelings, I especially enjoyed your description of how moving into the higher dimensions is a natural process, a simple expansion of our existing way of living and thinking and that we have already begun to move forward. With your assistance, I can more easily identify, and really value, what I am actually doing and where I am really going with it, bringing a greater ease, integration and thus “quickening” to my own growth.
Speaking of the joy and ease of living, I thought I might share a very simple example relating to your discussions working with Time in the hopes that others may benefit from my experience and see how easy and practical it is to work with Time. I have discussed this in my comments to your January 9, 2012 channeling
I have had the opportunity to review more of the channelings from 2010 and 2011 and am thoroughly enjoying them and the comments of friends. I still have many to review but continue to be impressed with the depth, power and brilliance of what I have heard. I would like to again thank the Vehicle, the Pleiadians and all Friends who are contributing to these offerings.
It was interesting to me that you identify Mitch Battros’ Earth Changes work on your site. I have been receiving Mitch Battros’ newsletter for so many years now and it was nice to see your connection to it. I also had the opportunity to watch the Dog Whisperer a few years ago. This awareness of animals was very refreshing, as I consider all of the animals in my life, including my beloved horses, to be high spiritual beings. It was also interesting to me that you began your current channelings on the Vernal Equinox of 2010, the day one of my beloved soulmates birthed into the higher spirit world, quite unexpectedly to me.
Your work on this website is very clearly presented, and thus easy to absorb and integrate, including the ease in the functionality of the website, the content of the messages and the delivery of the messages. While yes, each of us is powerful and we all definitely have the ability to channel ( energy, information etc.) and we can access this ability as we so choose, I am a firm believer that for the purposes of such spoken, far-reaching endeavours, the skill and energetic quality of the Vehicle/Channeler is of utmost importance. Of course the message itself is the reason for the exercise, but the vibration of its communication must also be highly respected. So I commend you on such aligned/harmonious and well presented offerings, and I believe that the Vehicle is an excellent choice.
Very excited to be finding like minded people, love to all
I discovered this website recently, am working my way through the recordings, and am enjoying them immensely even though it is a few years later. I guess this is another way of playing with the concept of time. Many thanks to the Vehicle and to the P’s.
Good Morning:`).
Got to LOVE the full moon. It’s like everything is LIT up on the inside as well.
Alcyon is directly above and the moon is so full and near. A delightful state of mind ensues. Just listening on my porch, dark and quite. Thoughts and Feelings flowing within the stream of shared energy and consciousness.