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Hello, and Wink Wink

We are here.

There are many who feel that they know us already, so to them we will simply say, “hello, and wink wink.”  But to those who feel that they have not met us already, then we would say to you, we are nonphysical, in your sense, that we are not in your time and space, but we are quite physical where we are.

The kind of communication that we are doing: we are beyond your 3D, so we have the ability, in our perspective, to read the lines of time, to look at it, to peruse it, as if it is a vast library.

And so, we have found you, and you have found us, so that we can be helpful during a very difficult and wonderful time that is upon you, to expand your consciousness, to see the universe for the bigger picture that it is and to travel with a great being, the Earth, into a different dimension where you will have a larger perspective, a larger understanding of the nature of reality.

There are those who allowed the early communications through, like Jane Roberts. The ones in more recent times are Barbara Marciniak, Barbara Clow and Lisa Royal, among other. But now everyone is opening to channel. You are all starting to fall out of the woodwork. It is like you are all discovering that you are superman, that you come from Krypton and that you have great powers that you have been neglecting.

As we see The Pleiadain Network, we see it as a place where those who are beginning to channel can come and feel that they have found a common thread, a common “Connecting Link.”

Good Evening.

There are many who feel that they know us already, so to them we will simply say, hello, and wink wink.  But to those who feel that they have not met us already, then we would say to you, we are nonphysical, in your sense, that we are not in your time and space, but we are quite physical where we are.  The kind of communication that we are doing, we are beyond your 3D, so we have the ability, in our perspective, to read the lines of time, to look at it, to peruse it, as if it is a vast library.”

“And so, we have found you, and you have found us, so that we can be helpful during a very difficult and wonderful time that is upon you, to expand your consciousness, to see the universe for the bigger picture that it is and to travel with a great being, the Earth, into a different dimension where you will have a larger perspective, a larger understanding of the nature of reality.”

There are those who allowed the early communications through like Jane Roberts, the ones in more recent times like Barbara Marciniak, Barbara Clow and Lisa Royal, and now everyone is opening to channel. You are all starting to fall out of the woodwork. It is like you are all discovering that you are superman, that you come from Krypton and that you have great powers that you have been neglecting.

As we see The Pleiadain Network, we see it as a place where those who are beginning to channel can come and feel that they have found a common thread, a common connecting link. Do you remember the term “Connecting Link”?

{ 3 comments… add one }
  • wade hopkins February 27, 2011, 12:56 AM

    I talked with them, I went through everything in that book, they put me through the most mind blowing experience of my lifetime, I am Adoil get over it!! supreme devine balance perfect harmony!! wouldnt trade it for nothing, time to bend this mthr fkr into balance!!!

  • PSLopez October 28, 2012, 4:40 PM

    10/28/2012 ~Cool. I remember Jane Roberts from when I was way young. I stumbled upon or I was psychically led to see a You Tube Video by Barbara Marciniak and, as usually the case, I found this website. It has given me more Peace of Spirit, though, as a recovered dope fiend, I try not to be obsessed about anything these days.


  • DavidBry July 27, 2013, 7:04 AM

    Love this sharing,…dated 3/26/2010.

    Concise. Simple. Clear. FUN!

    Back in 2007, the superman crest kept jumping out at me. I’ve never been a big Superman fan really,… loved Spiderman as a kid:~). Yet this sign kept presenting itself and I knew it held meaning. Especially when one day at the fish market, there it was…the clams and scallops were arranged in the superman crest/sign. I knew then that there was significant meaning and felt comfortable sitting back and allowing the meaning to unfold. Now all the significant signs in my life are taking on very specific meaning…. and….. Well,… here we are;~).

    I’m happy to say for the first time I’ve been compelled to give one of my crests to another. A very special light worker. A shining example, and unbeknown to her in her humble grace. The crest is the seal of duty. A sign that we have a great responsibility to love and nurture those around us and all life. A reminder of who we are, and what our ultimate mission in the universe is.

    Follow your signs. The truth will be revealed as you become ready.


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