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[Transcript forthcoming]


Post-Mayan Calendar: Into the Light Again


[Transcript forthcoming]


This Side of the Nanosecond: Now You Are Plugged In…


[Transcript forthcoming]


Good morning. We are here. Give us a moment.

It is December 12th, 2012, New Moon in Sagittarius. Let us begin.

First, let us say that you are finding yourself at a very important milestone in the process of the shift of the ages. Those of you who are astrologers would know that Sagittarius is very close to the Galactic Center, there is the missing sign of the zodiac that is after Sagittarius, Ophiuchus. So this is the alignment with the Galactic Center of the Sun and the Moon with the Earth. Very important, very energetic marker, and you know what milestones are – they tell you that you have reached a certain place on the road. Well, this is an important one. This is saying that there is a change in the terrain – definite change in the terrain that will follow after this new Moon.

And so it is very important for all of you who are listening to us to really stay focused on all the aspects of reality that are positive, that are working towards that ideal, and not negative, working towards some kind of destruction or whatever. Because you are on a teetering point, you are like on a teeter-totter and you are deciding whether or not you are going one way or the other. And some will not go forward, some will take this opportunity to sort of slide back.

We want all of you who are listening to us that intend it, that want it, not necessarily sure all of you want it that badly, but we are not sure – to really start to lean into the 2012 change. Because it will bring many things that will start to make sense of the experiences that you have. There are a lot of experiences that have gone on the past that don’t seem to make sense, they will begin to make sense now and we want you to think about it in that kind of way.

Recently our vehicle had learned they had done some work on looking at the ocean floor around the Titanic. And they did this great study with these robotic radar sensors, and they now have a very clear image of the ocean floor around the Titanic. And the forensic engineers and the forensic people can now really tell you how the Titanic demised on that fateful day, and what happened to it, and how it spewed itself along the ocean floor, and where the parts all landed. They know the whole story. There is very little room for conjecture when you can see the outcome in such clarity.

And that is going to be a theme for many riddles, for many unknowns, for many things of that kind. You are going to finally get the real clear picture, whether it is how technology and physical things work or whether it is how biologies work or whether it is how planet works or solar system or the universe or the galaxies. You are now going to start to have the data that will make it clear what is truth and what is untruth, because there is this idea of speculation. And you can speculate when no one can know the truth, but when you can know the truth, speculation goes out the window. There is no need to speculate any more – you know.

And we want you all to realize that that kind of clarity, that kind of wiping away of the grime from your glasses is what is occurring today, 12-12-2012. You are going to see much clearer going forward. And some of what you will learn will be shocking. Some of what you will learn will be uplifting, but it will be truthful, and it will be unambiguous. Because these are the two things that allow for uncertainties, but when you can take away those uncertainties, like the fiscal cliff, you are all wondering now, “Fiscal cliff, fiscal cliff, is this going to happen?” We do not see the fiscal cliff getting solved before the end of the year. But then you will see with clarity what can be done afterward that.

In other words that speculation can drop, you will know and you can follow it. And it is that kind of thing that will happen in politics, in economics, in science, in religions – all of these things. Now those of you who think, “Oh religion, sacred cow”, even some of those are going to start to tell their clarities too. Like the Pope telling everyone that Jesus was not really born the 25th of December, that it was used as a link up with the pagan holiday of the Solstice. Surprise, not really to some, but the clarity is there now – that kind of clarity.

So we want you to see that coming, sort of get yourself ready for it in the sense that you might find out some things that you are not either privy to or you are not comfortable with knowing. But that is the place you are going to find yourself because it’s not a question of comfort, it’s a question of clearing the deck for the new.

So it’s time to open those closets and get the cobwebs out. It is time to go underneath the couches and the beds and such, and go sweeping around with great fervor and great intention because that is where you are at. You are going to finally get some of these questions put to rest so that you can move forward, so that you can move forward without carrying the baggage of these things. Because that is what the’ve been, They’ve been psychic baggages, they have been physical baggages, energetic baggages and you are going to see yourself letting all of that go, kind of like what a tree does in the winter time – it lets go all its leaves so that the new can form in the spring.

So we want you to see that as you have reached the point in the cycle where things are going to turn around, all the clean up, what is the term use, spring cleaning, see this as spring cleansing day, the beginning of spring cleaning day.

Very good. It has been our pleasure.


Good afternoon. We are here. Give us a moment. It is December the 8th, 2012. And let us begin.

There is this idea that you are all moving quickly towards some event, and we would say there is more than one event. There are as many events as there are stars in the heavens. And we don‘t say this to frighten you, we say this to sort of let you know that events are going to be very common. What do we mean by that? Well, some of these events are going to be things that are not going to be so wonderful, such as earthquakes and this sort of thing, but they are occurring in parts of the world. Some are going to be wonderful, the Supreme Court taking on marriage rights and same sex marriages and such. And they will be odd or potentially strange, like Chris Christy possibly becoming a Democrat or things of this sort.

And so there are all of these different types of events, some are fearful, some are wondrous, some are beyond comprehension and some are commonplace, but they are all events, and they are really on the uptake. If you could look at them – it is like a growth curve, you are seeing more and more and more of them.

Now, it is not coincidence that at this time you all have the internet because the internet allows you to sort of keep your finger on the pulse of all of this, where there was a time many years ago where certain events of great catastrophe could go unnoticed for long time. There was the Krakatoa east of Java volcano explosion that some in the world did not know about for days, took that long for the information back then to find its way around the world.

Today it is nearly instantaneous, and we would say it is even faster than that. What we mean by this is that some of you are picking it up; many of you are picking it up in your energetic fields before it happens. You might ask us how is that possible. Well, many things that occur in the physical have already had their precursors in the realm that is called the astral. And so that is why we would suggest many of you start to really think about your dreams, because it is in that dream state that you are reading the astral, you are in the astral and you are seeing events coming.

And some of them, like we were saying earlier, can be frightening, but some of them can be wondrous. Some of them can be not to be missed, like watching an eclipse or something. Understand? And so as you find yourself feeling this sense of urgency, because you are feeling it, all of you are feeling it more and more and more as particularly as December 21st comes along, and all this focus on the alignment with the Galactic plane is occurring.

But that is this quickening that this event is bringing to the planet. And so it is really a wonderful time, but like the Chinese said, “May you live in interesting times”, it was considered not a good omen. Well, of course, there is so much going on, that depending on your focus, it can appear to be very, very chaotic, it can appear to be very scary and frightening, but it really gets down to – where are you focused. Where are you putting your attention?

Because one of the things we have said many times for those who have listening to us for some time now would know, is that you are in a battle for consciousness. That is really what the politicians and the companies and such that wish to sell you things, they are all trying to capture your consciousness. And if they can do it with a movie, or if they can do it with an item, some sort of new gimmick, some new trinket, or whatever, they will do it that way.

If they can do it with fear and with concerns over fiscal cliffs and such, they will do it that way. If they can do it with fear of plagues and such, they will do it that way. In other words, it is an attempt to sort of steer your consciousness. Why would someone care to steer your consciousness with such determination? It is because your consciousness is very valuable and very powerful.

And so we would suggest that those of you who are feeling the pressures, sort of pull back a little bit and try to simply your concerns, your interests, your focus. Understand? If you are overly focused say on fracking, “Oh fracking is awful, fracking is terrible”. Pull back for a time. The world will not collapse if you are not focused on fracking, but you may find that there are other things that are pulling at your consciousness – things that are more uplifting and more important to you in the moment.

Now, why are we saying this now? Because this is that fluid time we have spoken about over the years. You are in it now. And so this is not the time to go unconscious, this is the time to sort of say, “Okay, wake up call, alarm clock’s playing, get up”. Get up and really wonder about where you have been led to focus and where you think, where you feel most pulled internally to focus.

Our vehicle has found a lot of focus of late having to do with nature, having to do with nature spirits and gardening, and all this sort to thing, much against his interest. He’s not really interesting in these things, but they are being brought to his attention through circumstances that he seems to not be able to control. And yet really, it is an attempt to, what is the word for it, respond to his interest. He puts out there that he doesn’t want to miss what is important, that he wants to be involved and so all of a sudden all this push for learning about the environment and the trees and the nature spirits and the gardening, finds itself in his world and he says,”Oh no, no, it’s not what I was I asking for”. It’s exactly what he is asking for, but he did not know it because he has been asking for what is important to come to him. Then this comes to him and he says, “No, no that’s not important,” judging.

And so let us say that many of you have a lot of that kind of thing coming at you, but you will say, “Oh no, I don’t want to be involved in that”, and really it is answering some of your questions. And now, if you really find yourself in a situation where you are concerning yourself with things that are not uplifting, take it back to your original question. Take it back to your original intention and see if you haven’t been sloppy, unsophisticated, or whatever, in your intending.

There is a wonderful sort of joke that our vehicle tells about the person going to the shrine in central America where he wants the Spirit of the shrine to cure his hand and he says to the shrine, he says,” God, make my hand that is all crinkled like the other hand”. The other hand gets crinkled. He says,

“Make my hand like the other one”, instead of being focused and say, “heal my hands”, his focus got both hands crinkled. It’s a joke, but it is very similar to what some of you are doing. You are asking for things more in the way “Don’t happen”, instead of asking what you want to happen.

And there are wonderful examples of this in the movie The Secret. If you’ve not watched the Secret, make an effort. It is a wonderful movie, particularly at this time that is full of ideas and information about how you create your reality. And we would say you get what you want and you get what you fear. So stop fearing and start wanting. You want to win the lotto, start wanting to win the lotto. If you want to have the dinar revalue and return to a previous state, intend it. In other words, the fiscal cliff is really just put out there to focus your fears. See it as the fiscal ramp to prosperity. See it as something else – in other words, re-examine it and re-script it to be more of an uplifting event than those who are trying to turn it into the end of the world, another form of the end of the world.

It is really that kind of focus that affects everything – really. And you are probably saying some of you, “I’ve been doing this, I’ve been doing this”.

Yes, fine. Now spread it out a little bit, tell your friends. In other words, go find someone you can enlighten with this. You don’t have to beat them up and proselytize, just sort of…seek out that person that is very fearful and see if you can wake them up, gently, to their power and their divinity, because you are all part of the spark of divinity. It is those who in charge that don’t want you to believe it, they want you to thing you are very ordinary, un-powerful creatures. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

So wake up, if you are not already awake. If you are awake, stay awake. Focus on what you are, most interested in having happen, not most interested in not happening.

Very good, it has been our pleasure. Good day to all of you.


Good morning, we are here, give us a moment. It is November 28, 2012, it is the day of the lunar eclipse and you just had a solar eclipse not long ago. This is connected with that. Let us begin.

What you are seeing occur in the world is the idea that the extremes on all sides have reached the level of absurdity, and what we meant by that is, anything taken to the nth degree begins to border on absurd whatever it is, certain eating habits like “carb diet” or whatever. Whether it is exercising, or whether it is reading, or whether it is not reading, or whether it is religion, or whatever it is, when it is taken so far, when it is run with as if nothing else mattered, you border on the absurd. You border on the, we would say laughable, and you are seeing that occur in the world now with many of the icons that are moving into the absurd. What we mean by that is that it is happening in many places.

You have the bicyclist, the Lance Armstrong person who pushed the technology so far that it was absurd. No one in the industry of bike riding doubts that he was blood doping and using techniques to increase his stamina. And for him to sit there and say, “I didn’t do it,” it is absurd, it is laughable. And you now have Senators getting way, way out on a limb over the Benghazi attacks with their attempts to create a rally cry, and they are so far out on a limb, and they are becoming a laughing stock, even of their own party, even those on their side see this as absurd.

And the same could be true of some of the liberals who want to see great changes that are really laughable as well. You are not that kind of a country, you are more centrists, we would say center left not center right, but you are more centrist than either party would have you believe, and it is why the voices of reason seem to be coming from the center.

And what we mean by that is, it is like a drill. You have these things in your world, you call them electric drills. And if you could look at the drill itself, the bit, the part on the end, it is a cork screw. But where is the strength of that whole thing? It is in the point in the middle. If that point in the middle is not sharp, if that point in the middle is not high integrity, you will simply create a lot of heat and not drill anything. You will not be able to get that drill bit to go through anything, but if you can take that drill bit and sharpen the edge and sharpen the middle, you will go through things like butter.

And so that is what we see going on here now is you are all beginning to realize that if you can relax into the center then you will find that things move much more quickly and progress with much more certainty and much more ease. And this gets back to something our vehicle was told many years ago in Egypt when the Temple of Luxor spoke to him and said that a time would come when there would be this great hurricane, tornado vortex of energy that would begin to pull things to the middle to recombine that which has been torn apart, and that those who would not let go and be pulled into the middle for healing would be torn apart by the outside. And you can see this from hurricanes, those who are on the outer rim of the hurricane, their homes are destroyed, their property, they are blown away, bridges and cars and cattle are all thrown around. But if you move towards the middle there is that place you call the “eye of the hurricane” and all of a sudden you are in great calmness.

And we say that because many on all sides of these feel that their extreme views are what defines them. In other words if they cannot have the extreme of what it is that they want then they feel that they are not in a world that they want to be in. We would suggest that any world that would be that much of what you want would be full of flaws. What we meant by that is -you do not think of all the possibilities, you do not think of all of the nuances of existence. There is an old saying, “Walk a mile in a man’s shoes before e you judge him.” And since it is something you really can’t do except through empathy, except through allowing of yourself to imagine something like that, it is something most of you have not done.

And one of the best examples that we have seen recently of someone who is not buying into the extremes is Chris Christie the Governor of New Jersey. Faced with the obvious potential of hurricane Sandy he could have easily, easily moved so far to the right, but he would have paralyzed his state, he would have paralyzed them at a moment when they needed progress and action. And so he did not do that, he looked at that edge of the wall and he said there is not the place I need to be, I need to move towards the center and get as many people into that center as possible and hunker down through this storm. And that is what he did and now he is being applauded for his great insights into centrist governing, but it is something Obama has been trying to do since he got into the office, even before, but it is the extremist on both sides that have kept him from that.

And so we want you to imagine that one of the things that is occurring here is this idea of that which has been torn apart being brought back together, being made whole again. And there is a wonderful metaphoric example of this in the movie The Dark Crystal. In the The Dark Crystal there is the great conjunction like you have today – the alignment of the sun and the moon. There are other alignments out there; you astrologers should go take a look. It is a great Yod, there is a great focus of energy today. And in that movie when that great energy came, it brought the two opposing sides back together again into one being, into one.

Now that is really hard for those on the extremes to accept, that that person that they see so far on the other side has any connection to them, and yet they do, you all do. It is that knowledge… yes, you don’t want to empower people to be weakened, you don’t want to create a class of lower class citizens, or whatever, that becomes the sponging group of the planet or whatever, no, but you cannot have the other either. It is somewhere in the middle where they are empowered but they are also challenged and those who have too much power are a little disempowered and made to see that as a challenge.

As you approach this fiscal cliff which as we see if from our perspective, it will not be resolved until after the cliff has been met and activities into the new year, because the current lame duck grouping has staked their reputations on just how much they will stay on the extremes, on both sides. And so you will not, potentially will not, see them together in this final moment. It is not impossible but it would take a level of compromise that neither side has shown, particularly the right, but neither side has shown, or demonstrated in a long time. And so it will take the urgency of being on the other side of the cliff to bring people from their extreme bargaining positions back to the center where sanity and synergy will be the rule of the day.

Now for those of you that see the extremes on the other side as so far removed as to have no place in the universe – that is the beginning of dysfunction. You must be able to see in everyone a spark that glows within you as well. The rich person has within him the compassion for the poor, the poor person has within him the compassion for the rich. What we mean by that is neither of these extremes is without their own version of dysfunction, of sickness. And so, just as you want to help the millions of people who might be starving somewhere, you also have to break free the minds of the ultra-rich that think the world that they are creating is in any way sustainable or healthy.

There will be a great push for health going forward. You are going to see it in food, you are going see it in the air, you are going to see it in the water, you are going to see it in the land, in the use of the land, you are going to see it in the types of foods that will all of a sudden become very popular, the types of food that were popular disappearing from the shelves completely. It is no coincidence that Twinkies are going away, Twinkies cannot survive in that world that you are going in, no one would make Twinkies in that environment, any more than someone would make lead paint for baby bedrooms in that world. It will be seen to be that toxic in the environment.

So, as you find yourself moving closer and closer to this point, one other thing we would suggest it to drop fear. Really it is time for all of you to become fearless and more excited about what is coming and less fearful, because it is coming but fear can cause you to react badly. Imagine you are one of those people that goes down the luge. You have seen these high speed toboggans and you get in it and you hunker down and you shoot down the luge track. Well, imagine as you are starting on that you panic and your arms come flailing out and you try to stop the luge and you try to get off of it. You could cause more damage to yourself than if you just grabbed onto it and hung on for the ride.

And that is our message for you today. Hang on and get ready for the ride.

And with that we will depart. It has been our pleasure.


Good morning. We are here. Give us a moment.

It is November the 13th and you are a few hours away from a solar eclipse we believe in Scorpio. Let us begin.

You are rapidly reaching certain milestones dates that for many have seemed so far in the future that they did not think about it much. There was a time when our vehicle was young and 2000 seemed like such a far distance and now that is already behind you by almost 12 years. And, now you in 2012, you are rapidly reaching the Solstice which is a very important day, and of course the 31st the end of this year and of course the Mayan calendar is running out, so there is a great anticipation for events that are right in front of you.

And we would suggest it is a lot like when the space probes were visiting the outer planets, there would be months and months and months of darkness and boring travel and then there would be this exciting few hours as the craft would whip past the certain planet system – Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, or Neptune. And during these times there would be a flurry of activity to sort of not miss anything because the time would be fleeting, come and go and be on the other site.

And in a way that is what is going on here now. We would suggest that those of you have been very hyper about the potentials for damage and destruction of things and have been very, very apprehensive about this time. But, we are here to tell you that that is not the future that is in front of you. You have turned certain corners and the election of last week was one such turn. And you are seeing now an opening, in other words, many of you maybe would identify with football. There is this idea of football where you have these opposing teams and they are trying to move the ball from one side of the field to the other and one side is one color tee shirt and the other side is the other color tee shirt and these teams are competing to move the balls. And they have these things called plays and each play the ball moves a little bit. But there can be one play where all this excitement and one person comes running out with the ball and has the field wide open and can run towards the goal line.

And it is an exciting for those watching the game because they breakout and then they see this lone runner with no defenders in its way, running towards the goal, knowing that it can reach it unless it makes some mistake, drops the ball or something. We would suggest that this election of last week is like that moment. Quarterback, Mr. Obama, Obama is not the quarterback; Obama is the one running the ball. Others are the quarterbacks and they have handed the ball to Obama and he has made it through all this opposition and now he is running, running for the goal line. And that kind of breakout out and that kind of excitement and that kind of knowledge that the goal is in sight that takes the entire stands of fans to their feet as they scream and say “Go, go, go”, and if they are on the opposite side, they are saying “Say stop that man, stop that man”, but it cannot happen.

And so let us say that this election is like breaking out into a new timeline. Understand. There were two opposing timelines, or at least two big, deep timelines that you were facing. And you could have gone the one direction which would have brought you through some very bumpy roads, some rather harrowous white water down that path, down, but you instead took the other one. And what you will discover as you go down this one is that it gets easier, the water gets deeper and the banks move further away and you are in this almost like the slow moving Mississippi, where you are in no fear of being harmed, all you do is let your paddle wheel run and you party down the river. Remember those old river boats. River boats were not made for storms, river boats were not made for the water of the ocean or even of the big seas. River boast were made for one place, going down the big muddy, in a slow leisurely predictable manner.

Now, one of the things that has also occurred has to do with Mercury. Mercury has found itself into a place where it is moving the discourse to a newer level. Just as you can break out of certain negotiations and then come back and have a new fresher look. That is what is going to occur here with a lot of what is going on in Washington. There has been gridlock, there has been stifling and roadblock of certain ideas, certain legislation necessities, and now you will see a coming together and an attempt to move forward together. Less of our opposition to the President, less restrictions on the right, on the religious and other right parties to follow the party line because they are reading the tea leaves. Many are seeing in this election a change that is not going back anytime soon, unless you plan on some horrible event to change the demographics, America is changing; it is moving into a more pluralistic society and less of the stratification that has been occurring for the last 15 years or so.

And what you will discover is that people really want other people to succeed. There has been a grouping of people on the planet who have really not wanted others to succeed, whether it is the grouping that did not want the President to succeed or the wealthy that did not want the lower classes to succeed or whatever. There’s been this idea that one side cannot succeed, and now you will see a change where allowing certain success in the opposition will be acceptable and that is what they call compromise – oh a dirty word in certain circles. It is not.

And so, we would say that as you find yourself moving along the next few weeks, weeks now, don’t look too far back to understand where you are going because it is a whole different landscape and looking back will not serve you, really.

Now, there are a lot of other things going on. There is all of this scandal at the national intelligence groupings and such. We will tell you there is more going on than meets the eye. We don’t want to stir up the conspiracy people too much but there is smoke and fire. The players that are being kicked around and bounced around are not small, minor players in these arenas. They are the big boys – Director of National Intelligence, the head of the CIA, the head of the Defenses Departments, the head of the Justice Departments, all of these big players. The FBI, the CIA, the NSA, those who are watching your every move. Big shakeup here. Something’s going on.

And we would suggest that part of what is going on has to do with this opening up that we are talking about in communication, this moving of communication to its next level, bringing out what is hidden. And your President is on board with this. In other words, he is on board with the idea that information that has been hidden for too long needs to come forward. Some of this has to with ET’s, extraterrestrials. Some of it has to do with things that have been discovered in certain parts of the world, whether it is energy sources or whether it is artifacts, some of it has to do with many secrets that have been hidden from those who should not or should not be left in the dark, meaning all of you.

And so as you move further and further along, understand that part of the change that is coming with 2012 is this rising of the clear channel of information – this rising of knowledge and information that is not going to be biased or skewed by ideological or religious thinking. It is going to be some real wakeup calls here, and it is not a time to look for who is a culprit – that is looking backwards. Understand that nothing that occurs, you are not a victim, so you are not a victim of these people hiding things. You wanted it hidden. You liked having it hidden. You didn’t want to know. But now, that is changing. Now that you are seeing that these things are all interconnected and how this information is preventing the significant living world that we are describing to you, you will understand that this must be brought, almost like lancing a wound, lancing a boil or an infection. It is time to lance some of these infections and get the pus out, and you will know what we are talking about in the next few weeks as information begins to come out.

So, think communication, think communication rising to a new level where truth is delivered. No more lies. One of the things our vehicle is discovering about the election is just how deluded Mr. Romney was and the whole right wing about their chances of winning. To just what extend they had let their disregard for facts sink into their consciousness so that when the election was finally held, they were in shock.

A wonder example of this is the Mr. Rove person who could not believe that his planned stealing of the election was falling apart in front of him – Ohio, FL, these places that he had planned along with others to steer the election were falling apart in front of them, and they could not believe it. Why? Because their information they had they were spewing out in their attempts to sway the electorate was swaying the electorate into getting out in vast numbers and opposing them. That is what we see. We see more of that ground swelling of support for those who are telling you as much truth as you are wiling to take in the moment and as you are willing to take more truth, it will come to you.

So with that, we will depart. It has been our pleasure.


Good morning, we are here, give us a moment.

It is Thursday, November 8, 2012. Let us begin.

You are on the heels now of your election, your election has occurred and we would suggest that a level of clarity has sort of moved in, where there was much confusion prior to the election. What we mean by that was – there was a lot of spinning and a lot of bullsh*t, and there was a lot of posturing going on prior to this event. And now you can look back and see who was posturing, who was telling untruths, and who was being legitimately honest with the situation as it was unfolding.

Now, it is important to keep in mind that you are in a consensus reality and so as you look at the numbers, and we know some people are very into polls and things of this sort, and there is the young man, Nate Silver with his polling and such and statistical analysis. He was under a lot of scrutiny because he was making predictions that at least half of the country was not happy to hear, and the other half was happy to hear.

And so there was a lot of scrutiny about whether or not he was a liar, whether or not he was spinning the numbers or whatever, and now it is becoming clear where the numbers were being spun. And so we would suggest to all of you, if you are feeling that sense of, “Things didn’t go your way”, then part of that is that you have been living in a delusional environment. Understand? You have been deluding yourself in the sense that you have been denying reality.

Now, reality is very flexible, no doubt, and you can affect it, but in a consensus reality there is a certain level of landscape that is just the way it is. And the landscape in this country is a certain way and is growing, is moving, and some are saying, “Well then it is no longer the country we wanted it to be.”

Really? This country has always been an experiment. It has always been a work in progress.

So if you are finding yourself shocked by the outcome, then use that shock to go look at where you get your information from, and then bring it back to your belly and ask, “Belly, why did you not wake me up to this? Why were you allowing me to not feel the truth and falsehoods?” Because ideally that is what will occur for that particular grouping – is they will begin to say to themselves, “Wait a minute, I can’t believe the medias that have been talking to me? They are not the “fair and balanced” grouping they say they are?”

Now of course they would say, “Well the other side does this as well.” But the other side has been very interested in knowing the truth of what is going on, even if that truth is unpleasant. That’s the difference.

Now we say all of this because you have reelected President Obama, and that means you are finding yourself on a timeline that we would suggest, is leading to significant living. You have made a decision to be on a timeline where you are going to become one grouping and work together for a common benefit.

Now there are some that would say, “Well, we can’t do that.”

You are not on that time line any longer. You are on the time line where you are going to be more and more and more asked to work together. And it’s something that President Obama said the day he was elected, “The work begins now, this is not the end this is the beginning and all of you out there and others on both sides of this election, you need to start working together. You are all in the same boat.”

You are all on the same planet, in the same country. And so if you think you are going to split it up and destroy it and tear it asunder, that outcome is not where the universe is driving you. It is not pulling you into a chaotic land of civil war. It is pulling you into a place where you all become significant beings and bring your gifts and your talents to the table for everyone. And it does not mean you will now all have to have the same shirts and the same everything. No, it is not quite that simple, but it does mean that as you find yourself going forward you will find yourself more and more in need of those around you. And they will be in need of you. Yes, it is one thing to imagine a place where it is just you on a mountain top and you alone, no one bothering you but that is not where you are headed.

So congratulations to those of you who are interested in the understanding that you are all one and that you are moving back to that place, and to those who have been fighting for the opposite of that, it’s a wakeup call. Your neighbor are knocking on your door saying, “Are you going to join us or are you going to stay holed up in your basement?”

And we would also give a nod to the women, the women who have been elected, because that was a real significant change as well. There’s a lot of new ideas, new realities that have come about from this election. And if you can stay focused on nurturing these things, on watering them and giving them the nutrients they need, they will flower for you in wonderful ways – from Elizabeth Warren, a partial Native American Senator from Massachusetts, to the openly gay woman in Wisconsin, to the blue-dog Democrat from Missouri. These women want to assist in bringing back sanity for everyone, and not just nurturing those on the top at the top to the detriment of all the others.

So bravo, for all of you that find yourself on this timeline, but do not think you have completed the journey. You have simply made a turn in the fork in the road, and now you are on a path that we would say will become easier going forward, for some.

Of course there are those who feel that they’re on the wrong path and they will feel more and more and more like things are not working out for them. And that is part of the bubble, if you will, that you live in because each of you carries this bubble of light with you, this world around you, and it is why one person’s home can be destroyed in a storm and the other’s not.

That is how the individuals can affect reality, but as a whole you are all moving now towards a much more sustainable future where each and every one of you has value.

So again, bravo.

And with that we will depart. It has been our pleasure.


Good morning. We are here, give us a moment. It is October 30, 2012. Let us begin.

We will of course start with the storm, the storm of the century that seems to have come out of nowhere to leave its mark on the United States’ east coast. As we are speaking it is still moving in its rather odd path, and it has left a wake of chaos and destruction. And we would say that the world in many ways is a communication device, earth that you live on communicates, and it communicates through activities that your scientifics call natural occurrence, but it is really speaking. It is very much like your vocal chords making sounds as you speak.

And so what is this saying? What is this saying to you? And it has much to do with our last discussion with the dismantling of the machine. You see one of the big dangers of the world today is not that there’s too many people or that there’s not enough jobs or these sort of thing, it is that you are too concentrated in certain areas, and so you do not have the flexibility to take a storm like this and have it not be so catastrophic, have it not be so threatening. And this one went right through into a very populated part of your country, put millions of people out of power, has really raked up quite a lot of destruction, and much of the value of this destruction is going to be amplified is because it is such a concentration of populace.

And so one of the things the earth is going to be doing to you and speaking to you is going to be this idea that you need to disperse a little bit, there are other places on the planet. You need to move away a little bit. And just as a nuclear power plant that might cause a problem, causes people to move away, so too can storms like this. Now if everyone thinks this is a onezy- twozy, never happen again, you will all rush back to rebuild, but we would suggest you take a look at places like those near the Missouri and the Mississippi Rivers. Is it really such a good plan to rush back and rebuild? And this will be very hard because there are many people who are comfortable and their livelihoods and economy, and whatever, are built around being in these concentrations.

But we are here to tell you that that kind of living is not seen anywhere else in nature. Nowhere do you see such concentrations, of anything. Everything disperses out, everything moves around the globe, whether it is the insects or the birds or whatever. And so as you approach the heightened weather conditions, and you begin to learn where on your earth you are vulnerable and where are the places you would be okay to be, the higher ground and this sort of thing, you might want to consider how you could possibly live there. Because what if the water that hit New York did not recede? This time it did, this time it is coming back but what if next time it stays? What if next time the subways and tunnels remain flooded?

We are not here to doom and gloom you but we want you to think about it. How much of your life do you live on an edge? And how important is living on that edge to you, whether it is on the edge of financial collapse, or whether it is on the edge of environmental collapse or whether it is on the edge of many things. Is that really where you see the culture blossoming? And if you do, we would ask you to go look on a mountainside and see how many plants you see clinging to the side of a hill or of a cliff face. It’s not really very comfortable. Plants move to more comfortable places and there they flourish.

These are metaphors but again it is the planet speaking to you. It is the planet speaking to you. It is the universe speaking to you. Because when you are concentrated in the way that you have allowed yourself to be, then you become a commodity, you become something that someone else wants to control and have dominion over. Why was it possible for the United States to break away from England, because they moved away and they dispersed into a large country? If the few thousand colonists had lived on a small point of England somewhere do you think England would have trouble suppressing the revolution? If you think so go ask Scotland, go ask Ireland, they are still fighting in some of these places.

So, as you watch the earth continue to speak to you and you move through this period of time where there is great flexibility in your ability to move. You really are not in a position where you cannot move. You are not comatose. You are not paraplegic; you are a nomadic people that have traditionally followed the communication of the earth. When it showed you that it was going to be cold and the glaciers were going to come, you moved, you didn’t sit there and stand in front of the glacier and say, “No, I will not yield.” You listened, you listened to nature.

And so that is really what the earth is attempting to do is to get a culture that has not listened to nature to wake up and listen. It is not all that difficult. We know it is a very hard concept because you want to think you have control over everything. You have been conditioned to believe that you can do anything and live anywhere and nature be-damned. You’ve damned rivers in places like this and look at the troubles you’ve created with some of that.

So you think that this is what you are here to do. You think because you can, it’is what you should do. There was a time years and years ago in the antiquital past, back in Greece when there was a place call Delphi. And in Delphi there were women called pythia who would put themselves into a state and become oracles , and these oracles would prophesize over ideas and thoughts and plans. And it was an insight that those who understood where this information came from or at least understood that it came from a place beyond earth, beyond the physical, that they could ask a question and get the bigger answer. Because sometimes when you ask a question and you don’t look for the bigger answer, the answer you get is inconclusive or even misleading.

For example, if someone were to have asked the oracle about plastics, someone would say, “We’ve got this great idea for this new product, we call it plastic, and we will be able to make all kinds of things without using natural ingredients.”

And the oracle would have thought about it and would have come back and said, “Not a good idea because you will use oil, you will create a lot of pollution, you will create by- products that will affect your hormonal situation. Go rethink it. Come back when you have some of these solutions”. Because the oracle would have been able to see the mountains of plastic, the islands of litter that would be created if this path were followed. And you would have followed it and now you have it in front of you.

And so when these things begin to occur, and they have already started, Sandy this latest tropical storm/hurricane is just one. You had the tsunami; you had many other things that have come along, earthquakes and such. As you see these occurring, we would suggest you take a moment to ask, “What is the meaning or the communication that the earth is attempting to give us?” In other words see if you can read the signs, read the message and decipher it.

You are now moving into your elections, you have less than a week and you will all go to the polls, if you have not already, and you will pick your next President. And this is an opportunity to make a path change and go backwards to a previous place and many feel that that previous place was comfortable. And we would suggest that would be like re-building the beach house, re-building the boardwalk. It may seem like the right thing to do but if another storm is coming, is it the right thing to do?

If you cannot begin to communicate with the nonphysical realm and seek out the information that is there waiting to speak to you, then all you will be able to see is what’s on your television, what your newspapers tell you, and you will find yourself further and further and further along a path that is difficult to walk backward, to return to. So open your mind to this. This is our suggestion and there are many who are listening to us who would say, “Awe, we are already there”
Fine, but understand that your neighbors too need this because all of you as a people are moving somewhere and the nonphysical realm is here to bring information, as we are doing now, in the hope that you will act on some of this information and make changes that will bring you to a place of more sustainable living. And so think about that – sustainable living. Is it sustainable to build a beach house right at the beach level on a place that has already shown a tendency to bring storms of devastation, hmmm? Or might it be better to find some place a little further inland – little more southerly, maybe or whatever. See if you cannot imagine yourself in that place of safety and nourishment and sustainable living.

It is coming at you very quickly; it is coming at you all very quickly, just as this storm appeared to come out of nowhere very quickly. So listen, listen to the messages because there is a nonphysical realm/ dimension that is attempting to speak to all of you. It is a place you have not been able to listen to or communicate clearly to for a long time, but now the barrier is dropping. Now the veils are going away. And here you are on the cusp of Halloween which is traditionally a time, Halloween, All Souls Day where the veils are very thin with the nonphysical. But we are here to tell you that kind of permeability with the nonphysical is going to begin to be more and more and more of the norm very quickly.

And you will learn a few things, such that there is no death, no one who died is gone, they have been here going back and forth through time with you all along. It is a wonderful movie that just came out, little bit “shoot-em-up” but still a wonderful story, Cloud Sky, (Cloud Atlas) we believe it is called. We would recommend it except for those who are squeamish because it does have some very violent confrontations, but the concept is very interesting and very much what you are going to learn, those of you who do not already know it, is closer to reality than what you have been told.

With that we will depart, it has been our pleasure. Good day to all of you.