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Dismantling the Machine


Good afternoon, we are here, give us a moment.

We are just past the New Moon in Libra. It is October of 2012 and let us begin.

You are rapidly in United States moving towards your election, and this has been a long arduous process, and yet there is still so much uncertainty. You would think by this time in the process you would know enough to pretty well gage the trajectory or the potential outcome, and yet it seems almost daily that some new twist and turn comes along. And the most recent one has to do with women, the idea that women have a great capability to swing this election, if they were to vote in coherent way, whether pro or con, whatever, whether for Romney or for the President, for Mr. Obama. And there has been many tactics used to gain that support whether it is fear of losing things or fear of not getting things. There is fear of losing and fear of not getting, having things not happen.

And let us tell you this, to a greater degree than you might imagine this particular time is pivotal for particularly the women because you are on, we are speaking to women now, you are on the cusp of a return to authority and power. You have had your time when you have let the patriarchy run things and they really run things into the dirt. And it seems only those who have been…only the men who have been opening their heart chakras and feeling are making any kind of sense, whether it is for the economy, or whether it is for the environment or whatever. And there have been many women who have been attempting to get into places of power so that they can assist the men who have opened their heart chakras.

And you have many currently in the United States that are running for elections of sorts. Maybe they are running in Missouri – the woman in Missouri. Maybe they are running in Massachusetts – the woman in Massachusetts. These women are strong, powerful but also women, true girls, if you will. And what we mean by that is they make decisions from a place of deep emotional connection, and don’t kid yourselves, those in charge want you to think that your emotions are bad and if you make an emotional, only do things logical, only do what logically is called for.

And we would suggest that logic has really left you wanting many times. It brings you to a place with great technological abilities and not the discernment to know whether or not these technologies should even exist, whether they are beneficial.

Look at your young people who are all into the iPads and things of this sort, and the iPhones and the social medias and such. Yes they are getting together in one way, but is it really building the skill set for sustainable world? And we would suggest it is not, understand. Those who have been turning off their technology and returning back to the basics, if you will, are finding themselves first appalled the level of technological pollution that they are seeing, whether it is affecting the food supply, the air or the water, or such. And they are finding themselves appalled by the idea that this machine that has been created needs human beings to be fed to it, and we mean that quite literally.

You are becoming the nourishment of the machine. You are becoming its food source, and there is a danger, there is a big danger in that. You need to consider returning back to some semblance of sanity, whether it is getting rid of these genetically modified foods or whether it is turning off some of these technologies, finding places where you can connect to the earth, bringing back the idea of organic processes, sustainable processes. But there are groupings in the youth, particularly among the women, the young women, that are feeling that – feeling that ancient knowing bubbling up from the earth itself, whispering in their ears, whispering in their dreams, “There is something very wrong here, this is not a place to raise children. This is not an environment to nurture families; this is not an environment to nurture communities. Something’s wrong when all you care about is feeding the machine.”

And there is a wonderful story, very similar, if you have ever watched The Time Machine, the H. G. Wells Time Machine where there was the culture that lived with nature and the underlying evil that would eat them, would call them in and eat them, use them as food source.

And so the women that you are now meeting are finding themselves really literally bridging two worlds. Seeing the one that the men have told them this is the only one you must have, this is the one that will work, and knowing there is another path that does not have all of these things and yet is healthier, is more nurturing, is more conducive to expanding the innate abilities of the human.

You see these technologies really are dumbing you down. These technologies, this push to feed the machine is turning you into cattle. But if you can make decisions as a people, and you will find that your women will begin to lead. That is as we see it, because as the women begin to lead, then these patriarchal men will lose their foothold, will lose their grip on the trajectory that is the planet Earth – that is human kind living on this planet – because there is a lot of planet.

You have all congealed into these cities and small area, but that is not what women would do. Women would pick up and grab some of you and go find some place further away. They would start their own community, their own family in a sustainable place. They would move, they would get rid of this idea of centralizing everything, centralizing economies, centralizing everything, power distributions, all of these things.

And so one of the ideas of what’s coming here in the 2012 and the beyond is a return of the feminine to then work in balance with the masculine, because it is not a time to go overly feminine. We are not implying, “Oh, let’s see how you can do without any of the creature comforts that technology and the mind can create.” No, but understand that letting that run rough shod over everything else is unhealthy and dangerous. You all want shelter, you all want warmth, you all want clean air, clean water, healthy foods. And as you find yourself concerning yourself with just these things, your brain will begin to lose some of the calcifications, your physiology will lose some of the detrimental maladies that are shutting you off from what is coming, from the energies that are moving through the solar system at this time.

And so take a moment to imagine the world more balanced between masculine and feminine. Imagine the world less technological, more agrarian, not overly agrarian. We are not telling you that you have to go back to whatever your idea of the most agrarian time of your culture would be, but there was a knowing back then of how to prepare foods, how to store foods, how to find foods, how to use the diet. There was a knowing and women understood that. And there have been times throughout the history that that knowing was coming back and men crushed it. Those in patriarchal authority crushed it, but that time is not upon you now. Now they are out there hearing you roar. “You are woman, here you roar.”

And so make decisions, but be careful of the masculine influences on your decision making, and ask yourself, “Is this really my decision, or is this what the men tell me I should want? Is this what I really feel is necessary, is this what I really feel is healthy?” Because if you do, if you go into this election cycle, ask yourself when you are about to make your choice, “What is the healthiest choice. What is the choice for the return to balance?”

You see those in charge want you to think that the economy is so important. But are there not other economies? Haven’t other methods of barter and sustaining been developed on your world? Has it all been just jobs and monies? Look at some of the other cultures, that don’t even have money, but they have community. They have common goals, they have common means; they have a concern for each other. They don’t see each other as completion for resources.

Now much of what is going on now has to do with technologies that have been suppressed, and the greatest technology that is being suppressed that we would tell you now has to do with energy production. So all of these people that tell you they want you to become energy dependent by creating drilling into certain lands or putting pipe lines up, they are the old school. But there are those in charge that know that these technologies are not necessary, that there are other technologies available that have been worked out quite well that could get the oil monkey, the gas monkey, the nuclear monkey off your back. The problem is there is no place to meter these technologies, so there can be no central grouping using it as a money source.

So see yourself demanding that that information come forward and whether it means coming forward from your government or coming forward from extra-terrestrials who might come and tell you and share with you. See it happening. Because that is the first step towards dismantling the machine, and that is what we would say is the theme going forward, dismantling the machine. Again, we are not telling you that you are going back to some primitive time where you will all run around in skins and such. You are not returning to the ”Clan of the Cave Bear” days, but you are returning to a time when decisions were made that were healthy, sustainable and helped you to bring in information from other realms, from other places of knowing and really tapping into that life-force energy.

So see yourself doing that. See this world tapping into that life-force energy and then seeing that energy moving through and dissolving that which is not sustainable, healthy. See it all going away as if it is dissolving in the water or something. And don’t worry about it because those things that they have told you, those things that they have brought forward with their technologies are things that you could already do without it.

There is a wonderful scene in the Journey to the Center of the Earth when they have their machines to help them light their way and they reach a level where the salt is destroying the mechanics of it. And one among them says, “Turn it off” and they turn it off and they whole place lights up because they have reached the realm of self-illumination. And the technology wasn’t needed any longer and everyone was panicking, “Oh we are going to be in darkness soon.”

No, no.

With that we will depart. It has been our pleasure. Good day to all of you.


A Quickening Going On: Get On the Train that is Coming


Good evening, we are here. Give us a moment. It is September the 30th, 2012, it is a full moon in Aries. Let us begin.

There is much going on in the world, but we will take a moment to see if we cannot put a little spin on what you are going to have occurring in the next few weeks. You have your elections going on here in America but there are other things going on in the world as well, some are economic, some are geopolitical, foreign relations, these kinds of things. Now it would be really helpful for everyone to keep in mind that there is a quickening going on globally, actually within the entire solar system of Sol, and this quickening is affecting everyone at the cellular level.

What we mean by that is you…many of you are unaware of where the energy comes from that keeps you alive. Some of your scientifics will tell you it is in the food you eat, some of your scientifics will tell you it is in the oxygen you breathe or something like this. We will tell you from our perspective there is a beam of energies that comes in through the top of your head, and it is that beam of energy that enlivens you, enlivens your physical body. All physical things on the planet have this beam of energy. The Egyptians showed it as hands coming from the sun, and it comes from your sun. Your sun is the neighborhood distributor of this energy, and it is all part of a conduit system if you will, that comes from – we are not even sure where it comes from. In other words, where is the final point that you would say all this energy comes from? We would say Prime Creator and for us, even for us, even that is not well defined, but it is an energy that moves through reality. And one of the places that it comes to is the center of the galaxies that you live in, we live in as well. And the Milky Way Galaxy has such a conduit of energy inflowing into it.

Now your scientifics think that it is outflowing out of it. They see this stream of highly charged particles coming out of the Milky Way Galaxy but there is also, if you can imagine, every vortex has a reverse vortex. And so if you are seeing this stream coming out, what’s streaming in? And we are here to tell you there is this streaming in and that same streaming in is now coming into the sun, and from the sun to all the planets – all the planets, whether it is Mars, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, whatever. And it is that energy that animates physical reality whether you see it as particles, matter or living beings. And from our perspective again it is this energy that projects reality into existence, and that is why we say it is not a solid place because it is not. If you could remove this energy what you think is solid would vanish, would literally vanish, like a mirage, like an image on a screen in a movie theatre or something.

And so if you can imagine this energy is now really starting to amp up and come at you at a faster pace with more and more and more of the life-force energy that comes from Prime Creator in it. In other words it is more amped up. And what you will be discovering, each and every one of you, is that there are blockages in your atmosphere, there are blockages in your physical body that have been put there to slow down this energy. Some of it has been done in your food, some of it has been done in your diet to create calcifications in certain parts of your physical structure, particularly the pineal gland. And these calcifications are sort of like barriers, but what we are here to tell you is that the energy increase is softening and removing these barriers.

And so what you are going to be discovering is an increase in your psychic abilities, and we have talked about this many times, but you are now going to see it. You are going to be waking up a little more in the know than yesterday. And that is why we say don’t look back so much because the back that you will look back to, what is behind you, will really be a you that was not as energized as the you that is here now. And that is true of everyone. And so if you are going to look back on how people were a year ago, five years ago you’ll be looking back at how they were before they were energized. And so really it does not serve you.

You have all known someone, you have all ideally known someone who has had a change of heart, who has come around on something, who has gone from a nemesis or even an enemy and converted them into a friend. You have all seen this. Classic example in more recent years would be Hillary Clinton joining the Obama administration. What happened, how did that occur? How did this person who one moment was so upset and angry and fighting turn around on that? Could it be that she is also changing? Absolutely. All of you are, and so when you walk around in your normal environment and see the people that you interact with, whether they are your coworkers, the people on the train or the bus or cars or the people at the PTA meeting or whatever, see them all as having their own awakening occurring. And some are really having some struggles with it. Some are struggling with how they used to think, what they used to feel, what they used to say. And so you would do them a great service to not dwell on what they said or did in the past.

Why did Obama come in and not go after the improprieties of the Bush-Cheney administration? Because he knew you did not have time for that. Now it is unfortunate that those who would be obstructionists to him did not work with him to move forward. We see that changing in the next cycle, the next election cycle because people are going to realize ideally that to move forward you must move forward together. You see there are many that want you to move forward but want to leave others behind. They want to move forward by stepping on others, but they are learning. They are coming out from behind their closed doors and their curtains and they are now being seen for who they are, and when that light is brought to them they change. In other words, yes they are caught, but they are changed by being caught. They are shamed to a certain degree.

And you might think, “Well, wait a minute some of these people have no shame.” You will be surprised who will be feeling shame for their actions and will be looking to atone for previous actions. You will be surprised.

And so as you see the election unfolding, definitely be aware that there are some who would like to steal the election, some that who would like to cause mayhem and chaos, but also know that the average everyday person is waking up and will see it for what it is. And there will be a rallying behind the idea that these improprieties cannot stand. They cannot stand. And in places where you would least expect to find allies, you will begin to find them, whether it is Republican Governors who will all of a sudden put the kibosh on their attempts to block the votes and such, or whether it is, whatever.

You will be surprised, you will say, “Wow that judge just made that judgment? How could that be? He’s bought and sold by the Koch brothers.” Watch.

We tell you this because everyone is important. Everyone has a stake in what you are doing. Everyone is here for a purpose and that purpose is not to go backwards, that purpose is not to skip this cycle, that purpose is to get on that train that is coming. There is a wonderful ending to the Harry Potter movie series where all of the players are now older and they are putting their children on the train going to the school. That is kind of where you are at, where you are going to see players on the platform that earlier you would have said would never be there. How would Malfoy ever be there? But he is. He is because he made a decision to do the right thing and you will see that.

We want you all to imagine that those who are the darkest are really getting the most of this energy to waken them up. It is a very interesting time because you all wonder about the dark, and yet we will tell you it is part of a plan that you are all involved in. You are all allowing in it. We have said many times in the past, you are not victims. You are not victims, you are players in a cosmic drama. And there is going to be, we’ve said it recently, the wrap party where everyone comes together and the good guys and the bad guys all get to compare notes and comment on each other’s performances.

And you have a performance coming in a few days now with the two candidates for President. It will be interesting how that will unfold, because it is very difficult to tell a falsehood at this time. And those who tell it will know they are telling it, will know they are telling it, will know they are being caught telling it, will know that no one in the room believes them. And those who hear it will know it like a flatulence in an elevator. It’s supposed to be a joke.

Now, as you speed up more and more it will be even important not to go back a day, a week. There will be times when it will not even be important to go back an hour – always looking forward. We use the analogy of skiing down a hill. As you are skiing down this hill and you just pass a tree, is that tree at any time interesting to you anymore? No, why because it is gone, it is gone past you, you must focus in front on the next tree that is coming. If you turn around and look at that one you may hit the one in front of you. And it is going to get that fast, that quick as you approach 2012, December of 2012. So you are very close, two months, three moons away, not far, not far at all. And ideally many of you are feeling it, this quickening. Your bullsh*t meters are working very, very well – you can really tell when someone is pulling your leg very quickly. And to those of you who are not, you will.

And with that we will depart. It has been our pleasure.


Information is Not Knowledge: Become Your Own Authority


Good morning. We are here. Give us a moment.

We believe it is September the 15th, possibly the 16th. Let us begin.

Much has been going on since our last chat and there have been some events that have grabbed the national and international spotlight and have focused the attention of many on the workings of a few. And so what does that mean, what is the lesson to be learned from all of these outbreaks that seem to be happening internationally, whether it is what it is happening in Egypt or Libya or Afghanistan or Syria? Or whether or not you have your own problems in America, home-grown terrorism like this young boy they found in Chicago, or the perpetrators of this inflammatory movie from California. And then you have the elections and you have all these monies flooding into elections. You have the candidates jockeying for positions within the backdrop of all this turmoil and all of this agitation.

From our perspective this is really the times you are in. You have as in no other time before, the ability for individuals to affect the world, whether it is a few individuals putting together an inflammatory movie, or a few individuals inciting a mob, or a few individuals who misinterpret what is happening and distort what is going on. All of these individuals are affecting the way these events are perceived by the masses. And so you have this magnifying effect of the individual into the mass conscious and they can be famous or they can be infamous. They can be speaking truth or they can be speaking bold-face lies. There is no one out there regulating the individual, at least not in the way that lack of these technologies to magnify, would have allowed before.

Fifty years ago information would not have been readily available to be dispersed in such a wide grouping without first going through censors. You all remember the time when you had the big three broadcasters and they could never do anything that went outside of the censors and so you had scrubbed events, you could not have obscenity, you could not have nudity, you could not have incredible violence. There was a governor, a government standing between you and the masses and that has been dismantled to certain degree. Now there is still government and controlling entities that wish to be involved in this and want the capability to filter, and it is unclear whether or not their agenda will win out. Will you return to a time of restrictions and censorships and such? In some places it is still quite valid, whether it is China or mid-East, some of these mid-East countries and such. Then you have other places where it is quite, almost impossible, to stop the flow of information.

And it was written in the Bible that when these times would come, information would increase. Now information is not knowledge. It is going to be very important for the individual, all of you, everyone you know, your friends, your neighbors, your colleagues, your enemies, if you have them, your adversaries, that everyone begins to see a much clearer picture. Because just as Mr. Romney learned in the last cycle – that misinformation or lack of information can be detrimental to your message and you can distort or disqualify yourself to the masses.

So to are others on all sides of this, learning the value of getting the facts first and that implies a level of personal filtering of information that each individual is beginning to learn, whether you are a protestor in an Arab country who has never, ever, ever understood the idea of free speech before because no one ever had it, or whether you are someone who has free speech and uses it to scream fire in a theatre. You learn that that’s not what free speech means you can do.

And so each individual will be asked to become their own filter for information and that is why we have told everyone who we speak to, to really nurture you bull sh*t meter, that belly chakra, that solar chakra, that allows you to know, you to know truth from fiction, that allows you to quickly feel the validity of what is going one. Because as you become more and more and more attuned, then you will be able to really… this is what we are talking about – you are in the rapids, you are in the white water rapids, a rapid fire events. And whether you are a mob in Egypt or Libya or Tunisia or Yemen, or Chicago, you really need to understand that a) you are going to be accounted for, you must account for your actions, and b) are you being manipulated or are you allowing your first amendment or free speech rights to be guiding you in integrities, in your integrity.

Because there are those that do not care about you, they simply see you as a means to their goals. Information is coming out now that many of those in the Egyptian uprising were paid to riot, paid to demonstrate. Who would pay them to demonstrate? Why is it important for that grouping that demonstrations appear? You must ask yourself that. Who is it that wants the perception of the world to be that Egypt is this anti-American country, or Libya or whatever? Who is it that wants you to think that Afghanistan is your friend? Why is it so important for someone to portray them as your friends when you are being shot by friendly fire? Doesn’t sound like your friends to us? Who are these people? What are their purposes for these kinds of distortions of the truth?

Not everyone who craps on you is your enemy, and not everyone who pulls you out of crap is your friend, and being discerning enough to know the difference is a prerequisite for the next stage of development on this planet. And there are those want you to go right back into the blinders and being fed sh*t and told what the world is. Many want to go back to that comfortable place of ignorance. But the world isn’t going to allow it; the energies of the time are not going to allow it. You cannot go back into business as usual because business as usual is creating an unlivable world for you. So you all need to become cognizant, conscious and co-creators of the world you wish to live in.

And so listen, watch, but also feel, because if you do that, then these magicians who wish to use slight of hand to fool you into certain behaviors and certain actions will find that their tricks do not work on you. You are seeing this slight of hand. You know they are pulling rabbits out of their hats, or terrorists out of their hats. You know that they are peeing on your leg and telling you it is raining.

Because actions will have to be taken based on fact and if actions are taken based on fact, then you can be assured that the actions will be correct. But if they are taken based on false information, you will find yourself in the same place Mr. Romney was during the attacks on the embassy, being seen to be very foolish. How did the President say it, “Shooting first and taking aim later”? Not exactly the way you want to be portrayed if you are running for President or if you are intending to be part of the evolutionary growth of this planet and your species. It is an individual mandate because each of you are making a choice for the future and it is that group choice that is so critical for you all to make at this time.

There is another saying that our vehicle is reminded of “cooler heads prevail.” It is important because information is never complete during the fog of battle, during the brunt of the storms. It is not the time to make long-term decisions. It is the time to hunker down and allow the events to unfold so that you can act based on facts, based on truth, and not overreact.

You recently had the man who landed on the Moon first, Mr. Armstrong, Neil Armstrong, pass-on, translate as we put it. It would really be helpful for all of you to go look at how he landed on the Moon. Why did they choose him to land on the Moon? Because he had this ability to read the facts and act only on the facts and to be cool and calm in the heat of the moment. And so when he found his craft careening off course and landing him in a jumble of rubble, he was able to act and miss the rubble field and land the ship safely.

That is what we are talking about. That is the white water rafter who sees what is coming and makes the right choices, based on facts of the river in front of him, not some preconditioned reaction. It is those preconditioned reactions that many of you have been conditioned for that can lead you into some really embarrassing and possibly dangerous places. There is more of this coming; there will be more need for actions based on facts, not ideology, not national pride, not any of these external forces – facts.

So be careful of the ideologues that want to tell you how to think about things — on all sides. Become your own filter, become your own authority.

It has been our pleasure. Good day to all of you.


Good morning. We are here. Give us a moment. It is August 31st, 2012. You are in a blue moon, a full moon in Pisces. Let us begin.

You have just seen the Republican Convention, and it is interesting to us that this particular show, for want of a better term, or production, seems to have left out their candidate. Yes, there was a lot of Romney in it, but it was not focused on Romney. It was not focused on why this man is the leader needed by the country. And it is because those of the far right do not trust him. Those of the far right do not believe he is their man. And so they found it very difficult to support him verbally with any real conviction. There was much more passion for the number two man on the ticket, Mr. Ryan. Everyone loved Ryan, Ryan came out and told it like it is, Ryan came out and really stuck it to the President. Whether or not he lied or was loose with his facts did not matter. It was the rhetoric – it was the feelings behind the words.

And so, there you have a very definitive example of what it is this far right wishes to do with the country. And those who have called them the American Taliban, like the man on the “Newsroom” television show, are not far off the mark, because they are fast and loose with the facts, they are not interested in science or knowledge. They want dogma and authoritarian control. They would tell you what to do, when to do it, how to do it, what is good and what is bad and what they want is a country that caters, caters, to them.

It does not matter if you spoil land or destroy the air or destroy the water, if it caters to them, it is fine. It does not matter if there are thousands and millions of people who are out of work as long as they have what they want. Someone said the other day speaking about Mr. Ryan’s affection for Ayn Rand that her philosophy is, “I have mine, f**k you or screw you.” We would say there is much truth in that. And so, is it really hard for you to understand why we find that the dark path? As we have told you, you are all one; you are each other’s support groups. And if any one of you is sinking, the entire boat is sinking.

The metaphor of the Titanic is a very good metaphor because in that ship you had all classes of people. You had some of the most influential and rich people on the planet at the time on the boat and then you had some of the most poorest of people on the boat. But, when that boat sank, it did not it did not run around and say, “You have privilege, you get to live, oh, you don’t, you get to die.” No. It took everyone down because there was not enough cooperation on the boat, many perished. And so, really what is needed right now is an understanding of the value of the individual and how each of you have a stake in each of you – each other.

And so as you see yourself coming off of this Republican Convention, moving now into the Democratic convention on the other side of this moon, we want you to ask yourselves, which grouping would be considered Sons of Belial, go back to your Cayce reading if you are not sure what we are talking about, and which are the Law of One people? Which are the Law of One people? Because, it is not hard to tell who is who. It really isn’t.

And we know that there are some that are saying, well, but things are so bad, maybe Romney could make it better. You really think so? Is it President Obama’s policies that have stopped going forward or is it the boat anchor of the Republicans in the Congress who have decided that sinking the President was more important than floating the country?

We say this because you are really being confronted at this time with the archetypal options. It is very true you are in a pivotal place in your country, America, but also in the world in general. Because when we say that you must think about the others, we don’t just say Americans, we are telling you to start thinking about all of them, all of the other countries – those miners in South Africa, those field workers in Indonesia, those factory workers in China – everyone. And when you really start to think about it in those terms, and see the progress that is possible when all of the world’s forces and resources are put forward into that kind of an endeavor, when market forces are not given the blind control, then you will really begin to see just how powerful each of you are, how much energy you can bring to change and to the betterment of your planet in general.

You are now seeing pictures of Mars. You are seeing wonderful pictures of Mars and places on Mars that look a lot like parts of Arizona or something. And there are some of you saying, “Wow, Mars might be a place we could go live, or there are others saying, “Wow, Mars may be a place we can exploit”. What kind of a culture are you going to move into the stars with? Because that is really a question that those who live in the stars want you to answer before they will let you venture outward.

Now, we also want to talk a little about the “war on women” because it is really heating up, and we see that the rhetoric is really beginning to sink into the female consciousness. They really are beginning to understand this is an election for their freedom. Are they going to be put in bondage to a government that would make them criminals for nearly everything they want to do, or would choose to do?

Look at what the Taliban does to women, “Oh, it’s not as bad as that.” Isn’t it? You would force back alley abortions on young women? You would force the will of others on these women? They have no choices. They have no free will of their own.

As we see it, this force will rise up and take on the mantle of the challenge that is being brought forth by the Republican Right, and we are in a time, you are in a time, where the feminine energies will coalesce, will come together for common causes – the old, the young, the multi-racials – all of them, because there are certain traits that the feminine has that has to do with the collective. They have always been the nurturers. They have always been the ones who are in charge of the home.

And now you are seeing the males saying, “Oh, no, we are going out and make all the decisions.”

“No you’re not because some of your decisions are very, very bad for the family.”

We would say Mitt Romney’s decision to run for President has been bad for his family, and the stress and strain it is putting on them, because they must watch their father contort who he is to meet all of the expectations around him.

So, as you move into this next week and you watch or you become aware of what the Democrats would like to continue to do and maybe even have some opportunities, if the Congress is loosed up a little bit. Ask yourself, which one is better for the majority? Which one doesn’t create more poverty?

And, oh, you would say, “Well, the deficits are going up.” We will tell you your monetary system is going to go through a major upheaval. Those who are in charge of your banks and your financial institutions have really been siphoning off a lot of your wealth and it is being returned back to the people. It has been discovered and the courts are in the process of figuring out how to return it back to you. Just as the insurance companies have recently been told to find the recipients or the beneficiaries for monies they have not yet given out. There’s billions of dollars they have not given to people because they have not really tried to find them and so, the government has said, “Go find them. Go, find them. Get the money out of your accounts and put it in theirs where it belongs.” That same kind of thing is going to be done with all of this hidden monies that have been siphoned out of the economies.

And so what will happen? How will that money, how will that energy be restored back and create a vitality? It can happen very quickly, you know. It can happen very quickly. And so, be prepared for change, be prepared for decisions that you must make. And remember, making no decision is a decision.

And, we would like to leave you one last thought – which is that your thoughts create. And so as you find yourself moving in this time frame, yes, you must focus somewhat on what is going on around you in the moment, we want you to push yourself one, two, five, ten years into the future, and imagine the world that you would really like to see, in that future.

Is it a place where borders are open? Is it a place where people can travel and visit and get to know each other? Is it a place where everyone is doing things that are beneficial, no one is running around trying to destroy or steal? Or is it a place where everyone is hoarding, everyone is closed up and boarded up and got bars on their windows, running around with shotguns and baseball bats? These options are out there.

So, envision where you see yourself, where you would like to see yourself, and then make a connection with that person, make a connection with that person, and set up a magnetic, electric conduit, to pull you into that place. Because that is what you are always doing, constantly, and all we are suggesting is make it conscious. Don’t go unconscious at this time. It is not a time to let go of the wheel, as they say, or throw the oar of the white water raft into the water. No, hang on to that oar. Guide that white water raft. Keep your wits about you.

And always see if you can not move into the feeling center, that center of your solar plexus, because that place is where lies are found out. You can not bull s**t that place. It is why it has been so important for those in charge to numb it out in men. They couldn’t numb it out in women – it was impossible to numb it out in women. So they have been out there feeling their way through all this time, and it is only because men have been able to turn a deaf ear that you are in such a place as you are today.

If the men out there had listened to their women when they came to them with warnings and concerns, then you would not be as far off target as you currently see yourself, but it doesn’t take much to correct the trajectories – just takes listening, moving into that feeling center and not letting the lies guide you.

It has been our pleasure. Good day to all of you.


Good morning we are here give us a moment. It is August 17, 2012 and New Moon in Leo. Let us begin.

As those who have been listening to our words are quite aware, this is a very pivotal period in the history of the earth and particularly of the solar system that you are in, not just earth, but the whole solar system, is in a pivotal place. And we say that because you think all beings that live in this solar system live on earth, and we will tell you, that isn’t true, there are beings that live on other worlds as well in you solar system.

That is not what we came here to talk about, but we want you to understand that there is a bigger dynamic playing out than just America, just Europe, just the Mideast. It’s beyond that, it is larger than that, and if you want to look for the signs, you want some kind of indicator, then we would suggest looking at your sun because the sun is really the focal point of what is going on right now, and it is going through some big changes. Some of the changes are physical, that you can see. Some of the changes are in your own knowledge of it. There are scientifics that have been watching the sun very closely and they have their predictions, they have their idea of what they think the sun is, and how it works, and now that they are getting the readings back, it is telling them that they are wrong.

Our vehicle read one just yesterday where apparently the scientifics believe that the shape of the sun would be changed by all of the electrical and magnetic activities, but now they are finding out that it does not change, that these forces do not change the shape of the sun. And so their models of what is going on inside the sun are obviously wrong and we have spoken about this already, they are very wrong. It is not a nuclear furnace as they believe, it is more like a light bulb getting energy from somewhere else. And so there are forces that are driving the sun, but the sun is not creating those forces.

In the solar system you are noticing that all of the planets are seeing energies that are affecting their atmospheres, their temperatures, these sorts of things, and again, the scientifics are learning about the sun and what they are learning is that their expectations, their beliefs are wrong. Now not all the scientifics believe all this, there is a small grouping that is on the right track and has been for a long time, but the majority out there who still cling to the Einstein model, which is totally false. And so it is very hard for that grouping that has clung so much to their mathematical modelings to incorporate into their thinking the sort of things that are going on around you so they don’t know what to make of it.

The push that is going on right now is for people to start to really connect, like Facebook. Face book is an outcropping of a desire for people to come together. Anything in your technology that you are seeing like this is a reflection of what it is that people are ready for, understand, and so are geared for, or triggered for, understand? So here you are, it is now the New Moon in Leo, Leo is telling you to find your true authentic self. Leo is telling you move into who you are not who they tell you you must be.

Now look at the elections, and you have many people out there, we will let you figure out who we are talking about, who are trying to tell you who you should be. Who you should be – you should think this, you should have this kind of outlook, you should feel this certain way about things. There’s now a big reprisal of the work of Ayn Rand because of the new Republican Vice Presidental candidate, Ryan and how Ryan was such a big Ayn Rand fan, and many of you do not even know who this woman is. Take a moment, look her up on line, go Wikipedia this woman and see what you can find out about someone who would tell you that you are not part of a collective, that you are an individual, that you are only to stand alone and fend for yourself and this sort of thing. And yes, you are an individual in that sense but you are individuals that are a part of a bigger collective. You are like the many threads of a tapestry and no single thread is more important or more valuable than any other thread in that tapestry. And if you don’t all play your parts then the tapestry cannot hold. And you are beginning to see this, you are beginning to see that you have these threads of connections to each other, that you are intertwined in the things that you do and the things that you think and the things that you need.

And if you were building a parachute from these threads, if we were to tell you that each of you was a thread and each one of those threads is going to go into a parachute that you are going to jump out of an airplane with, would you really want to weaken any of the threads? Would you really want some of those threads to be poor people living in the ghettos, would you really want any of those threads to be sick or malnourished, ignorant, would you really want that kind of energy in the threads of the parachute you are jumping out of the plane in? No, you would want every thread in that parachute to be the strongest thread it could be. And so how do you do that, by helping each other, by being there, by showing interest and concern and compassion for the weakest of you. And so those who would diminish the weakest of you , those who would push them further down, and you know who they are, they are the old guard, they are the ones who aren’t getting what is going on.

Let us pick on the Republicans for a moment. Look how really bad they are with the social medias. Look at how really bad they are with all of this new technology. They act like they are from a Neanderthal time. It is very interesting the Speaker of the House calling his constituency the “knuckle draggers”. This is the man who is in charge of the majority in the House right now and he is calling his people “knuckle draggers”, Neanderthals, throw backs to a previous time because that is what they are. And so they think that they can manipulate reality, so that they get something and you get nothing, meaning you – all of the others that aren’t them – and that this in some way will strength the economy and strengthen the social fabric of the planet, and it is silliness.

You’ve got what’s going on in Syria with this President who is killing his people, you’ve got what’s going on in these Republican led states where they are rolling back the liberties that women have come to expect in this country. Women now in Texas are fleeing to Mexico for abortions. How far away are you from the back alley coat hanger days? Many of you don’t even know what we are talking about. Go grab a couple of old newspapers from the fifties. Go read about the girls found dead in the back alleys bleeding to death. It’s been so long since you’ve had those days, and these people want to return you to that.

The energies of the time are telling men to move into their heart centers, and women to move into their power centers, and they are very close. The women have been in their feeling centers for a long time but they have not had the energy of it where it is powerful, and men have been in their brains. Men have been in their head for too long. They’ve not really moved into their hearts at all. And this is what is changing; this is what is going on. These forces are gently moving the balance and we say gently now, but it won’t stay that way.

Now if you can feel your way through this time and gently move in the directions you are feeling gently led, then you will be in a place later where maintaining your balance will be very easy. But if you are not, if you are fighting it, if you are really, really, really pushing against this. and right now you feel a gentle shove and you are shoving back and saying, “No, I don’t want this change, I don’t want this movement into a more balanced place”, then when the big changes come you’re getting knocked off the playing board. You won’t be able to hang on.

Our vehicle channeled once when he was in Egypt and the energies of the Temple Luxor spoke to him about the need to move to the center, and that those who would not move to the center would be thrown and torn apart by the energies along the edge of the vortex, the nexus point you are moving into.

And so you are seeing what they are doing now with the elections. The elections are a very good indicator, and you’ve got one grouping attempting to grab as many of the people as it can, and they say this is divisionary but it is not because in that grouping they allow all. We are talking about the Democrats right now. They really want all in that grouping , they want all of the poor, all of the middle class and they wouldn’t mind all of the upper class joining them. Do they shun upper class people that show up and say, “Hey we want to be a part of your movement”? No.

Then you’ve got this other grouping, this far leaning right grouping that is attempting to return to some status quo from the past, and they are becoming more and more and more exclusive. They are shedding more and more and more of their constituency. Why, because they are becoming more and more and more entrenched and more and more and more restrictive and more and more and more exclusive, and how they can even attempt to paint themselves in a way that will be popular. but as you’ve seen they don’t really care anymore. They don’t want to be popular; they just want to stop the other people from voting. They want their people to vote only. Interesting – all of these restrictive voting laws that are coming up now.

But let us say this, you can watch the news, you can watch the television or you can just let it go and know that whatever is playing on out there is the final episodes of a television show you are really sick and tired of watching. In other words do you care that it is the last few episodes of Dancing with the Stars? No, not if you are bored with the Dancing with the Stars show. And this is the dancing of the idiots show, and it is coming to an end. So you can watch every episode and say, “Oh yes it is almost over”, or you can just say, “Hey that’s a stupid show”, and let it just end on its own and take your focus and move it into the place you are going next.

And what we mean by that is; begin to ask yourself, “What special gifts have I been given that are my contribution and my desires, my interests in what we are doing next”. Every one of you has an interest in where you are going, if you seek it out you will find it. Are you interested in free energies, are you interested in sustainable living, are you interested in gardening, are you interested in economics, are you interested in technologies that would help with homes and such. And all of you, if you were to think about it have an interest that is not just to make monies and hoard. You have an altruistic interest, each one of you, and if you can start to focus on that then you will discover others who have the same focus, and you will begin to see that starting to collect, sort of like rain water that gets collected and becomes a big bucket.

Right now each of you sees yourself as individual drops of water and that is fine, but if you can maintain the fact that you are water, and that you are this, and that you are falling into a collective, then you will find it easier to move into that collective, get drawn to and attracted to those of like interests and then begin to build from the synergy of multiple individuals coming together for a larger outcome. And then you will begin to really see that everyone that comes in brings something. Every one that comes into that new grouping has a new piece of the puzzle, and then watch out. Watch out because how quickly you’re going to turn as a planet is going to really boggle you. You are going to all see this in some future day as an historic time of change – historic time of change that you are in.

And with that we will depart. It has been our pleasure.


Good evening we are here, give us a moment. It is August 1, 2012, and it’s a Full Moon in Aquarius. Where to begin?

There is a lot going on, from our perspective things are really percolating on many fronts, in your environment, on your world, and as we’ve said earlier, in a previous channeling, you are all feeling a little antsy, you are all feeling a little buzzed, and you are wondering what is going on. And many people are worried about the economy, many people are concerned about disclosure and the idea that the extraterrestrial contacts are going to come forward and information will be disclosed, and we have even heard that there’s talk of a landing at the Olympics. But let us tell you one thing from our perspective, there are not entities outside of your earth that are of the light that are going to do anything that is not part of your freewill as a collective, and what we mean by that is, until and unless more people become comfortable with the idea of extraterrestrial contact, and not in a scary way, that they are going to be attacked, or “War of the Worlds” sort of thing, that is really what is keeping away the contacts at this time because there are some who would jump off a cliff and there are some that would be very, very psychologically harmed.

And so the collective has been and is being worked on by many, by many light workers. Look at all of the television shows you are seeing now about UFOs and alien contacts and the history of the earth and all of the connections with Big Foot and others. There is a lot of that kind of information coming out now and that is part of disclosure, that is the part of disclosure that is being done to bring along the collective. And it is being done very methodically and there is no, from our perspective, nothing is broken, it is moving along quite well.

Now as the collective, the people on your planet begin to realize that they cannot trust the economies, that they cannot trust government to tell them the truth, that they cannot trust – as these kinds of bonds break down, you will see a new found excitement build. What we mean by that is people will realize that they have some power, they have some control, they have some ability to manipulate reality, whether it is through elections or whether it is just through group activities.

And so it is important to keep that in mind as you are watching something like the Olympics because that is a group activity that people are all getting behind at some point or another, not everyone but those who are interested, and so it is a great venue for bringing some disclosure along, understand, like the UFO that was seen hovering over it. There is a lot of excitement about that on the internet, and so that in and of itself starts a process in the minds of those who are watching. “Is it a hoax or is it real? Could it be real?” It starts a process where they can then begin to be okay with it.

This sort of thing has been done to not shock people for a long time and you don’t want to shock them. You see those who have been running your planet like to shock you. They want to shock you with a 911, they want to shock you with the shooting at the theatre, they want to shock you, understand, because they use those shocking opportunities. The extraterrestrials are not looking to shock you, if they were, they’d have done it by now, understand? So they are looking for how to do this in such a way that you all recover from the shock, because it will be shocking, and keep your molecules intact, don’t exit, don’t jump off a cliff or whatever, understand?

And so look at the, if you want to know whether the extraterrestrial information is going to come out sooner than later, look at your neighbors, look at the planet as a whole and ask yourself, “Are they ready?” You may be ready, you may be listening to us and say, “Ah, I am ready bring it on”, but if you were to talk to a dozen or so of your friends where would they be? What sort of scenarios would they have in their head? Because that’s what’s holding it up, it is that there’s a lot of people who are holding a lot of fear in this action, just like there’s a lot of people holding back a lot of fear in the economy. That is why it is holding up certain changes in the economy, but those are happening slowly in the courts as well, with Libor and this sort of thing. And so that process is working its way through your group consciousness as well.

So here you are in a moon in Aquarius and that is the idea that you are moving into this time frame of Aquarius, the Aquarian Age, and we would say you have more than have turned the corner on it. There has been some time now that you have been in the Aquarian age, but it is still the cusp of it. And so you are watching the previous age sort of fade, understand, and your children are really the ones that are the way showers here, and many of them have been derailed through the processes of technology and such. Many of the things that have come along with technology are not beneficial, many of the video games and these sorts of things do not really assist.

There are some that seem to, the social networking and this of thing, but look at how people are really not getting together, they are getting together in an internet way. Our vehicle was at a party with young children and the young children were all texting each other at the table instead of talking. Just talking to each other, they were texting each other, and this is a handicap that actually the sun, the actual Sol in the sky has a plan for, and you can imagine what that means. Watch your technologies begin to be disrupted. You have already seen some disruptions. More are coming.

Now when will those things happen? It could be 2012, it could be even earlier, could be later. It will happen as these energies build and build and build because, yes we have told you disclosure is waiting for people to be okay with it, but there is also this sense that the house is burning, understand? And so imagine it kind of like trying to talk somebody into jumping into one of those trampolines or whatever, that the fireman have. They are like, “Come on jump, jump”, and you are saying, “No, no, I don’t wish to jump. No”. And in the meantime the fire is getting closer and closer. So there is going to come a point where you say fire or jump, and ideally you will realize in that moment that there are friends waiting down there to catch you and not someone just tricking you and pulling the thing away and letting you splat on the sidewalk. Understand? It is trusting, but you are getting there, all of you are getting there.

And as the planet moves into this alignment and as these waves of energy start hitting you from the Galactic Center, it will bring with it more and more and more knowing. You see a lot of you think that the only way to get information is from technology, from newspapers, from radio, from…but that is not really true. Look at the aboriginals, they share dreams, they don’t have written textbooks and things of this sort because they share information generationally through a collective. And so that kind of ability is in your DNA it is just not turned on, and so you will begin to see people just knowing things, knowing when it is the right time to turn on the television and watch something or collect somewhere or meditate or whatever.

So it is really a very interesting time to see how people respond to the energies. And if you can imagine the importance of not responding in fear, being understood by the extraterrestrial that have been watching your planet for a long time, then you will know why they are not just landing on the White House lawn today because it is important for them not to shock anyone, because you are in a freewill universe, because they are quite in allegiance and in a line with that.

And again keep in mind that as you learn things about people that it will be important to learn forgiveness because, yes, there will be a desire to go rally the troops and put people’s heads on pikes and this sort of thing, but we would suggest that you think of it as from a next higher perspective. There was a channeling recently by the Hathor where they were talking about the dual universe, the duality universe you live in and how important it is to find that third place where you can look at the whole thing. Many of you watch television or movies and you have your favorite actors who are good guys and your favorite actors who are bad guys, and for the most part you don’t hate the actors who are bad guys. Why, because they are actors. They are playing a part. Well that is very much what is going on in your world with some of these baddies out there. They have been playing their part.

And so if you can rise above the ground and the duality and see that, see this playing out of energies, this playing out of duality of energy in a duality environment then you can better ride the energies that are coming. And if you are very close and you are looking for the bad guys so you can make sure they get punished or whatever, then you are in the much.

There was a wonderful television show, was a cartoon when our vehicle was a child, and it had the coyote and the sheep dog. And the sheep dog watched the sheep and the coyote tried to eat the sheep, but every day they would show up and punch in. They were buddies, “Good to see you. Hello. Time for work.” And while they were at work, they would each do their part and at the end of the night they would punch out and go have a beer.

We want you to think about that. We want you to think about what it means to be outside of the duality universe, the duality dimension because it will be very important for those who wish to be released from this duality universe and move further, closer to Prime Creator, closer to their source.

And with that we will depart. It has been our pleasure. Good day to all of you.


Good morning, we are here, give us a moment. It is July 18, we believe, 2012, let us begin.

There is an anxiety that is permeating the ethers at this time, and many are feeling it, many are picking it up as a frequency, as a vibration, and as all vibrations reflect off of surfaces – what causes echoes and things of that sort – that frequency is reverberating off of individuals. Now, when you think in terms of an echo, of a vibration, there are things you can do to that vibration when it hits you. We are speaking a little bit scientific here for a moment, but the analogy is true with people as well. You can be a perfect reflector of the frequency, in other words, if the frequency hits you, you can turn it back around, and you can reflect it outward, or you can modify it. Let us imagine say a sound vibration hitting a rubber wall, the rubber wall will not reflect it, the rubber wall will absorb the vibration converting it into heat, or whatever and deadening it. That is one thing you can do, or you can be a prism, you can reflect the frequency in a different vibration. You can be hit with one color and you can reflect out yet another.

And that is what is we would like you all to imagine that you can do. You can either be the rubber wall, the black wall if you will, if we are talking about light, where nothing is reflected. That is one thing you can do or you can convert it into a vibration that is what you are — what would be a better version or a more conducive to harmony and such, understand? So you have this anxiety and it can hit you, but you don’t have to reflect out anxiety, you can reflect out the opposite. You can reflect out peace and good will and this sort of thing, understand?

Years ago our vehicle was in England and he and others were touring England together, and there was a time when the cars got separated and the lead car was lost. And so the other two cars that were following were in need of figuring out their own way to proceed. Now our vehicle was driving one of the cars and he realized when the lead car was lost that there were other people in the cars behind who were now concerned about being lost, and so he had an opportunity to feed that fear or to alleviate that fear. And so he knew in a moment that he could show no concern about losing the lead vehicle and simply said, “No problem, we know where we are going. Let’s get back on the road and we will meet up with them further down the road.” And that vibration, that fear that went out that, “We’re lost, we are not going to be able to catch up, we are going to be lost in England, we’ve messed up our tour”, got bounced back as, “There is a stable person in charge, things are going to be adjusted and everything will be fine”. And that vibration went backward into the grouping, everyone mellowed out, and they proceeded on. So instead of the chaos that could have happened if the concerns had been able to build, a more calming affect came in.

Now this is the kind of thing that is happening all over. There will be information coming out, there will be vibrations coming out that seem to indicate, “Oh my God the sky is falling!”, but really it’s not, and if you can simply turn that anxiety, fear, whatever into a more positive energy, and reverberate that back out you will see things can be made better very quickly. Now it’s hard to explain all of this because you are wondering what we are talking about, but there are things going on, whether it is what is happening in Syria with all of the battling, or whether or not it is the other potential wars that are going on out there, or the fight against the FDA, how they are apparently in cahoots with the pharmaceuticals and the big companies that are controlling things. And you are all feeling very, very pulled around by this and who can you trust?

Understand that as a collective you have more power than these organizations and they will be… as you focus more on stability in your own world, then their lack of integrity, their true nature will become more and more apparent and actions can be taken. You see when you are just as much in a flux and crazy and whatever, then it begins to look like the people who are trying to control you, maybe are on the right path. You can’t be trusted, you don’t know what to eat, you don’t know how to take care of yourselves, you don’t know anything, you are like wild animals that need to be caged and controlled, but as you come back instead with clarity and dignity and a strong inner energies, say, “No this is not going to work for us. You cannot control us with regulations that take away our abilities to make good choices for ourselves.”

As that kind of energy builds these opposing forces will begin to collapse because they are not very strong, you only think they are strong. You are like the elephant that grew up chained to the post, now it is simply a little rope holding you to the post. You can pull it up at any moment, but you don’t believe you can because you have been raised to think that you are chained to that post. You are not anymore; you never really were, when you were a child maybe you were, but not now.

So as you start to see more and more of the craziness that is the governments, the institutions, the, whatever that is out there, the corporations, that seem to be doing things that are totally crazy, don’t get crazy, get centered. Draw in your energy. Draw in what you need because then you will be seen as a stable force, as a stabilizing force that can now push against these ill winds. Understand? Be like an anchor, anchoring bolt, don’t be willy-nilly running around the deck shouting, “The sky is falling!” Take control of you and your surroundings, and talk to your neighbors, and you will begin to see how that becomes a force that these ill winds, we will call them, cannot knock down.

This will all make a lot more sense as you begin to learn more and more and more about just how really crazy these corporations and governments and government organizations and international organizations really are. You are going to be shocked to hear some of the things they want to impose on you, but instead of worrying about them imposing it, think about more, be more in tune with what it is you would do yourself if you were in charge, and then see that vibration building, see that. In other words when they are hitting you with this, “We control you” vibration”, you hit them back with a, “No you don’t, you are not telling me, I am telling you.” Because they are only as powerful as what reverberates back to them.

They know this, that is why they have trained you to be obedient, because they are hoping you will self-police, that you will be the forces that knock down the rational changes, but they are wrong because you are all waking because that is what this energy from the Galactic Center is doing, is waking you up so you are not going to be this controllable weak minded grouping. You are going to be a grouping that really looks around and says, “What, wait a minute, the Emperor has no clothes, is anyone noticing that? I can see it, can’t you?” So think about this as a time when the big wheel of the bicycle is taking over using its strength to flip the little wheel on its back and see the little wheel as the 2%.

It is interesting to us because we are watching your elections and our vehicle is very interested in the campaign of Mr. Romney. And just watching what he does and what he says and how he distorts, how he hides and how he is anything but transparent, how he flip-flops and he is wondering, our vehicle is wondering, “Are people not seeing this? Does it not concern them that this man hides his information and flaunts his powerful friends in your face and seems to have no solutions and has a record of sending your jobs overseas? Yes maybe he was not at this company after 1999, but it was his company following his policies. He does not have an explanation for that. Has anyone asked him would he have changed anything, because we will tell you he would not, but he might not tell you that because he is afraid of you knowing who he is and what his agenda is. He wants you just to hire him and then find out what his agenda is.

Wonderful, how many of you go to the grocery store and buy packages of unmarked goods and take them home to eat? Really, you do? No, that is what the corporations want; they want it just to say, “Happy Time Food, Eat” on the box. Nothing about the GMOs, nothing about all the pharmaceutical chemicals or whatever that are in it. “Oh you don’t need to know that.” But you are rising, you are saying, “No we want to know, is there GMO crap in this food, what are the chemicals you are adding to it to preserve it or whatever? What have you put in here that isn’t what the label says it is?”

It is interesting to us that the corn people have re-labeled high fructose corn syrup and calling it now corn sugar, as if corn has a sugar. No, it is a manufactured product made from corn. You know that you can make plastics from corn? Do you want to eat plastics? It is interesting to us because, really you are seeing the fight over hiding information and revealing information. And this information goes all the way back through time because there is a lot of historical information that is hidden from you. “Oh you don’t need to know about those early, early days. You don’t need to know about the galactic war that scarred your solar system. Just go back to sleep, sheeple.”

Well, we’ve got news for those who want you to do that, the wake-up call is getting louder and louder and no one is going back to sleep, and we applaud that because that is the ultimate exercise in free will when you know all the information and then you act. Acting without information is ignorance; acting in full information is the opposite. And so here you are learning and discovering, and information is coming out and your brain is beginning to comprehend, and maybe you are angry, and maybe you are even furious, but also learn that this process was designed so that you would not be caught sleeping when these energies came.

And with that we will leave you. It has been our pleasure.


The Deciding Vote: Not a Time to go Unconscious


Good morning, we are here, give us a moment.

It is July the 4th, 2012, happy Independence Day to all in America and let us begin.

There has been some movement in the reality in America, particularly in North Carolina and we would discuss it for a moment. You have this idea of what you think is going to happen and everyone has their reading of the tea leaves, they can see the way the wind blows, all of these concepts and they think they know how things are going, and so they tend to act on what they think is coming. And then along comes something like the Supreme Court judgment on the “Obamacare,” or the override of the veto of the fracking bill in North Carolina, and it just sort of takes everyone by surprise, the shocking changes in what was expected to happen.

And we find it very interesting that one was pro-progressives and one was anti-progressives, well, the one for the fracking bill was considered a Republican idea, and the one for the health care was considered a Democratic idea. But the idea is that whatever you think is happening there is a great potential for shocking changes, for surprises. And so as you find yourself in this time of uncertainty, you would do well to think about it in terms of, “where is the energy going”, understand and what we mean by that is there is a flow of energy. It is like a river, and occasionally it is hitting places that seem to be little eddies, little current places, but those places are beginning to break up, kind of like an ice-breaker. You have seen rivers when they start, ice begins to melt and so all of sudden big flows of ice and debris break free and start to move and if you are not paying attention, you might find yourself being inundated with debris and ice and such.

So it is a good time to have your wits about you, and that is what we are here to help you remember, that this is not a time to go unconscious, this is not a time to let yourself turn off your feeling centers, turn off your intellect, turn off things. This is a time to turn them on, to be hyper vigilante, hyper aware because things are changing. Again, it is like being white water rafter, it is not a time to start to enjoy the scenery. You better grab yourself that oar and do your job, or the entire boat is lost.

And so there will be more and more of this idea that people need to come forward and be counted. It is interesting what happened in North Carolina was an unconscious woman allowed herself to be counted on the wrong side, and you are all so conditioned to believe that your opinion doesn’t matter, your vote doesn’t matter, your ideas don’t matter. Here this one person’s vote made a difference. Same thing happened with the Supreme Court, one person’s vote made a difference. These are metaphors for each and every one of you to start thinking about yourself as that Supreme Court Justice, as that Congresswoman, and be conscious when you make decisions.

Now there are too many on this planet that think that because things are going so badly economically that they must shut down. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is the time to really start to network and get really hooked in with your neighbors, and really hooked in with your family and friends because you are going to need to be a little bit more dependent on each other, not a little bit, a lot.

Now it is interesting to us many years ago, Reagan was giving a warm up speech, it was not a speech, it really just a testing of the microphone, but what he said was that the aliens have made themselves known and the earth has to deal with an alien culture. And he was saying this in the sense of how quickly you would all forget your differences and of course it was a joke, but was it? What did Reagan really know, that you are being approached by other cultures from beyond your earth, that they are trying to let you know of where you are in the scheme of things, and how you’ve come to be here, and what being here really means, and how you are stuck here because certain pathways that have been disrupted, and how those disrupted pathways are going to be reopened.

Remember the Berlin Wall? Wonderful idea. You had these two cultures that were separated by a big wall and all of a sudden one day the wall came down, one day people with hammers and chisels could go out there and take big sections of this wall away, and the flow of people both ways was once again allowed. That is what is coming for you, a free communication, a free transportation, a free exchange with the larger universe. And you will begin to realize where energy comes from, where information comes from, where you came from, what it means to be alive, what it means to be dead, when no one dies, we’ve said that many times. It is quite true.

So, as you see these things unfold and the shocking changes coming, first let us say, “Nothing is permanent, nothing is permanent.” Many of the things that are being laid today will be changed going forward, even “Obamacare” will go through many morphings as it works its way more and more and more towards single payer. We will give you a little hint, the insurance companies will be seen to be gouging and maybe some improprieties will begin to put into question whether or not these insurance companies have your best interest in mind, whether they want to play fair in this Obamacare Heritage Fund concept that has been put out there as Obamacare. So you will see changes, you will see Congress saying, “Hey wait a minute, we brought you into this to be partners, you are not being partners, maybe bringing you in was not such a good plan.

But first, you take things in steps. “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” It’s funny the elephant, is it not the Republican animal?

So, happy Fourth of July, happy Independence Day. Keep in mind that those who came before you were very intelligent people and that they knew the dangers and did their best to prepare for them, but it is you who are here now that must act as one people, one nation. Those who would fragment you to control you, you will find out who they are. You will learn their names, you will learn their intentions. Just as this woman who cast the incorrect vote, everyone knows her name, everyone knows who she is. She would like to have crawled into a crack in the floor, but she could not. Same thing with Justice Roberts, he would like to have been able to cast his vote in secret. That is not how these things are done.

You must, you are going to learn who are bringing forward these ideas, who they are that wish to influence you, whether it is in the elections, or in your food, or in your medical, or in how jobs are created and where jobs come. There’s a lot of manipulation out there that is trying to make you think that it is raining when they are really pissing on your leg. Interesting saying.

So wake up, be conscious and realize that each one of you carries that deciding vote in your reality.

It has been our pleasure. Good day to all of you.


You Are Your Brother’s Keepers


Good morning, we are here, give us a moment.

It is June 28, we believe, Thursday, 2012, and the High Court of the United States has made a decision, and the decision has been to uphold the provisions of the healthcare law known as “Obamacare,” and it was a very polarizing decision both for the court and for the country. But from our perspective we would say, “
It was the right thing to do,” and what we mean by that is…it is important for the executive branch to execute the policy, and when policy has been so crafted as this healthcare law, which is way over complicated, the idea of Medicare for all makes much more sense. And what is Medicare? A tax that you all pay so that some can have healthcare.

And so the idea that the mandate was a tax, we would say, is brilliant on the part of the Head Justice Roberts, to go to the heart of the entire matter and say, “No, this is merely a tax for healthcare,” because now it opens the idea that if you can tax people for healthcare, maybe it’s a good idea to have Medicare for everyone, and take the Insurance companies out of the equation. So we applaud Judge Roberts for seeing clearly the direction that this should take, or can take, which is to see it as a tax, see it as a tax to bring health services to everyone, and that eventually you will see the healthcare insurance companies as having no value, because they do not have a value in the scheme of things, they are simply blood suckers sucking off of the healthcare industry.

So, yes there are those who say, “No tax, no tax, no tax,” but there are also those who are paying the cost of a broken healthcare system, whether it is their inability to get healthcare, or the skyrocketing cost to the hospitals and the doctors and such for giving healthcare to those who cannot afford it and do not afford it. It gets back to responsibility. Now ideally as a culture you will all start to see that your responsibility is to maintain health, not to live a lifestyle that needs heart transplants and liver transplants, and all of these other things because that is a way of bringing the healthcare down. Everyone get healthy and then all of a sudden there will be less tax, less need for all of this over the top healthcare industry. This is really a victory for the idea that you are all in the same boat and you need to be concerning yourself with each other, with the needs of everyone, not just yourselves.

Now there are those who say, “We are all individuals and we do not need others.” Is that really true? No man is an island, no man is an island. That’s a saying, but it’s very true. You can have the illusion of not needing others, but if all of a sudden you found yourself on a world where you were the only one here you would find out very quickly how much you need others. Oh sure some of you would be survivalists and go live in the — whatever, you are even then depending on others, the others being the world around you that is producing the abundances that you would be harvesting, whether it is animal life or vegetable life, or whatever, sea life.

These things are there too as part of the bigger picture. You are not alone, a man against everything, that is silliness.

So we applaud this ruling because it will knock the Right Wing a little bit back, they have too many victories, and this is a victory for the other side, for those who are looking out for their neighbor, who are looking out for the greater good. But it is not the end, there will be challenges, there will be implementations, and some of what is in the current healthcare law will disappear under its own weight as people realize these provisions don’t really work, let’s change them.

And you will begin to look at other countries and say, “What are they are doing. How come they can get healthcare so much cheaper than us? What have they done that we have not?” This idea that other countries don’t have anything to teach you is silliness. You could learn a lot fromm Bali, you could learn a lot from Asian countries; you could learn a lot from some of the European countries, even some of the African countries. Each of the countries, each of these organizations, each of these groupings have little pearls of wisdom, whether it is the Asian idea of staying healthy to start with – pay your doctor to keep you well, when you are sick the doctor doesn’t get paid – a novel concept.

And putting people into medical jobs and assisting them because they will be of service to you, so make it easy for them to become part of this job culture, don’t make medical school so damned expensive. Help them, assist them. Someone wants to be a doctor, help them be a doctor so that they can serve, not drive Mercedes Benz because they have got to pay off these huge loans or whatever, silliness.

But as you begin to see the bigger picture as a culture and you begin to say, “Hey wait a minute, we have so much energy, we have so much resources, why are we not utilizing them properly?” Some do not need to be wasted. Some do not even need to come out of the ground at all and others can be used much more efficiently, much more equitably.

So with that we will depart. Again it was a red letter day for the Obama administration and also for the Roberts court that upheld the idea that you are your brother’s keepers and you are responsible for the footprint that you put on society and society is also responsible to you.

It has been our pleasure. Good day to all of you.


The Law of One: You Are All Connected


Good afternoon. We are here. Give us a moment.

It is the 21st of June, 2012, the day of the solstice and we would like to chat for a moment. Here you are now at the half way point, more of less, through the 2012 year and for those who are anticipating the next solstice, the Winter Solstice, this is a very important milestone. We will take a moment to look at it from a different aspect, which is this idea that it is the solstice in Cancer. Cancer we believe is the sign of the home and the idea of home.

Now, you just had your President make a change for all of these children of illegal immigrants, illegal workers, and the reason that this reverberates at this time is the idea that this is the home that these children, these children of these immigrants, know. You could easily deport them to where their parents came from, but that is not deporting them home, that’s deporting them somewhere they’ve never been or never known. And so the idea that you are only allowed to have certain places be your home is going to be expanded because you see the Earth as your home; some of you see your neighborhoods as your home. You are going to start to see the galaxy as your home, you are going to start to see a bigger idea of what home and family is.

Because one of the things that we have discovered in watching what goes on on Earth is this idea that some have that you are not one big family, that you are somehow rivals for resources. And to us this is rather odd because no planet that we are aware of that has sentient beings on it, considers themselves anywhere but among family and friends when they are on their home world. Is it not this groupings of classes that causes some to live somewhere else or whatever. People really see everyone in their immediate environment as family vibration – the vibration of family, because that is why you accumulate yourself as energy beings to a certain place, because you are family. And so this idea that some belong, some do not, some should go live somewhere else, some should live here, that kind of thing is going to be changing. Ideally as you become more and more knowledgeable of your interconnections and what you have in common instead of what you don’t have in common, then you will begin to see yourselves as family members again.

Now there are some that do not want that to happen. They really like the segregation. They are on top and they want to stay that way, and they like the idea of using their brothers and sisters as footrests and doormats. And they are a group that go back to Atlantis, go back to the Sons of Belial. But you are going to be discovering what the Law of One Atlantians knew.

It’s not a choice, it’s the way things are. You are interconnected. See the Law of the One people aren’t a religious sect. They are an enlightened group of entities who know something about the nature of physical reality. And so they act with that knowledge, they act with that knowledge towards their fellow creatures, they act with that knowledge towards the natural environment, towards the Earth, towards all of existence.

And so if you can imagine that there is this knowledge then what does that say about those who create class warfare, classes, the idea that some should have and some should have not. Would you not consider them kind of a throwback, kind of someone who has lost something? They see it as gaining. It would be like – as if you had psychic abilities and then you lost them. Is that a gain? Is it a gain to shut off certain parts of your physical energy body, to be able to put blinders on so you don’t see? To stick wads of stuff in your ear so you don’t hear? Is that really an enhanced existence? Just something to think about, because you have some on your planet now, many in that 1 or 2 % who have stuffed s**t in their ears and shut down their feelings centers. Because it is the only way they could be who they are in this world. And so when you see yourself as a planet moving through this 2012 period, we would suggest you have a little bit of compassion for the ignorance of the wealthy on your world because they are ignorant of the larger reality.

So, when you see someone like Romney, and Romney is the poster child of what we are discussing, who can hose his dog down and then stick it back on the top of his car for another few hours’ drive in the cold weather, or when you see him not even knowing what a doughnut is, because that kind of confection never found its way into his environment. There can be a level of, “Wow; I wish I had his money.” Look at the cost in awareness, look at the cost in your humanity. We think those of you who are really beginning to feel the connection in what is going on with the energies from Galactic Center and the rising of the connections that you are feeling, you will see this as someone who is a little slow. In other words, they are not the best and the brightest. They are the dull and the dumbest. We know they are saying, “Fine, but we’ve still got all the money.” But what is money but energy. And if you really think you can control energy, you wait, ask the French aristocracy. Ask the French aristocracy. It comes at a cost when you put a deaf ear.

And so we applaud what Mr. Obama has done in saying to these young people, “This is your home, act accordingly and you will not be harassed in your own home.” Because these are the kinds of things as a planet you must learn to do with all of the people. Look at the Palestinians, they want a home. They have a home, but there are those who want to control them and kick them out of their home and you see this going on in many places. What is going on in Syria? How is that going to play out?

Think about it. You are trying to clean house and settle your home. That is what we see going on here because as a culture, as a people, as a grouping, you are all traveling on the same sphere Terra towards a common future. Now those who wish to not join you in that future, they will have a place to go. No doubt. But don’t think for a moment, that that is where the majority is going or that is where the energies are taking you. See them more as those who could not hang on the white water raft and had to get off before the exciting parts of the river could be met.

With that we will depart. It has been our pleasure. Good day to all of you.