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The Golden Age: Feminine Energy is Returning


Good morning. We are here. Give us a moment.

It is June 4th, 2012, and where to begin? There are things happening in the sky. We will talk about the Sun in Gemini and the transit of Venus. Of course there is also the eclipse of the Moon in Sagittarius behind us. Now, what is Sagittarius close to, is it not the Galactic Center? And so here you have the Sun in Gemini. What is Gemini? Gemini is the communicator. Gemini are the twins. Gemini has a lot to do with balance, very similar to Libra – this idea of balanced communication, of balanced transmission. And now you have Venus which is the feminine moving into this alignment. This is a very big one. To those who pick it up and go out and be part of it, you will feel this great surge of energies.

Recently our vehicle has had doing some work having to do with (humph) the idea of a second sun, and how once there were two suns in this solar system, and how when you have two suns you are in a balanced relationship with the energies of the galaxy and of the Universe. And when you are in that kind of balanced energies, you can communicate very easily with other star systems and it was quite possible to move into a place of bi-locating, teleportation and commerce and communion with other places and far distances, instantaneously or at least quicker that you can blink an eye. Now, that was changed during the galactic war and now you have the single sun and you have been very, very, very imbalanced towards the male every since. And every time the female attempts to rebalance, the male foot comes down on it.

Now, the Universe at large believes in balance, balance is… If any of you have every thrown a pot on a potter’s wheel and you get the wheel spinning, if that part you are working on starts to get lop-sided, you will not be able to work on it much longer, because the forces will cause that part to go flinging off of your wheel. The imbalances -. many of you may think of car tires, and if you have a car tire not balanced, you will begin to start feeling really rough roads and eventually your tires will be destroyed, damaged beyond use. And so that imbalance when you are getting spinning and spinning and spinning really starts to show itself. At slow speeds you don’t even notice it; at high speeds it can rock the structure completely to destruction.

And you are speeding up here on the Earth, you are speeding up in solar system of Sol and that speeding up is going to demand a rebalancing of the feminine because if you don’t do it, destruction. And let us say this; the Universe is not going to allow you to really make that decision. It is going to make that for you. Feminine energy is returning to the solar system of Sol. And so you have to ask yourself, “Are you going to embrace it, are you going to find it and bring it into your own being so that you are balanced or are you going to really push against it and really say no and be thrown aside, thrown off the spinning plate, because that is really the options.

As so as you see Venus moving in with the Sun and Gemini and Earth and Sagittarius behind you with the Moon, think of all this alignment and how it’s going to move energies from the Galactic Center through to Sol, through the Earth and through Venus. The entire solar system is heating up, how much hotter is Venus getting? What is going on in Venus? What is going on in Mars? Mars is getting an atmosphere. Mars is starting to get cloud covers and things. What is going on out there? Are you seeing a return back to some semblance of balance in this solar system? Absolutely.

And so those who have vested interests in the status quo – we would suggest that you really begin to wonder about whether those interests have a future. Because if what we say to you now, what we are telling you now, is going to come to pass, where are you going to be with nuclear energies, where are you going to be with fracking, where are you going to be with the destruction of women’s rights, where are you going to be on the side of history with those kinds of thinkings? You are going to be the albatross, you are going to be the dinosaurs of the new era. And so see yourself discarding these things. Those of you who are listening to us and those you may talk to, see yourself letting go of the things that are hard to hold on to.

If you are spinning and this thing is hard for you to hang on to, maybe your need is to let go, whether it is religious beliefs, or scientific beliefs or cultural or whatever, your ideas about men and women, your ideas about who you are and what you are. If it is turning out to be very burdensome to hang on to it, maybe it’s because it needs to be let go of because behind it is going to come a clearer, more balanced understanding. You have had similar things like this happen before on your planet when you went from being a flat Earth to a round Earth, when you went from being an Earth-centered to a Sun-centered concentrations, ideas. Other ideas had to be discarded to grab the true idea, the true knowledge. But once you grabbed it, then you could use that knowledge, whether it had to do with farming or weather or navigation or whatever.

All of these things are very similar to what is going to be enhanced going forward. Better food productions, better traveling, better energy productions, are all waiting on the other side of this. And so if you can just allow yourself to say hey, all of that stuff we have done before really isn’t going forward with us. Think about when you were in school and you went from one school to another, you graduated out of say intermediate school or whatever, you had a bunch of books and things like that were in your school. Did you take them all with you? Did you cart up everything that was in the school and take it with you to the next school? No, you left it there because you knew where you were there would be new information, new books, new knowledge, new libraries to be discovered and perused. So see yourself graduating and leaving the old school behind, thanking it for what it has taught you, but knowing that where you are going, higher learning, higher knowledge, more true information awaits you.

It is not a time to be fearful. It is a time to be joyful. But it is also a time for a little bit of sadness, because you are leaving something of familiarity behind you. But where you are headed as individuals and as peoples have been foretold in your writings for a long time, in your philosophies for a long time – The Golden Age. Will that Golden Age have fracking, Fukushima, nuclear waste, and garbage points in the Pacific? We do not think so. That does not fit a Golden Age and so those things will be discarded, eliminated, removed, left behind.

With that we will depart. It has been our pleasure. Good day to all of you.


2012: A New Star to Connect You to the Universe


Good morning, we are here. Give us a moment.

It is May the 20th we believe, Sunday, the day of the New Moon in Gemini. Also, there is the solar eclipse, the Moon going between the Earth and the Sun, playing with the energies, cutting off certain pathways for a time.

We will talk a little bit about what communication, transportation, things of this sort happen at a galactic and intergalactic level, and we are going to depart a little bit from some of our normal discussions of this and that, because these are important concepts that we would like those who are listening to us, to now have the clarity of understanding that our vehicle has. So we will taka a little bit of time to talk about it.

You would do well to heed the axiom of the alchemist, “As above, so below,” the idea that the Universe at large is like the big body of a being, just as your cells are the parts of your being. And there is a communication that happens throughout the entire body, and that same kind of communication that happens within the galactic body, if you will. And so, when parts are created, generated, grown, whatever, birthed, these parts have connections. When your own species gives birth, there is the umbilical cord, and the umbilical cord is the direct connection from mother to baby, and it can be cut but those who know, know it is never really cut. The physical cord is cut, but the energetic cord stays there forever. Any mother will tell you that they have a psychic connection to their child. The father does not have it quite as strong as the mother. And so the same is true of stars, the same is true of planets. As they are birthed they have these energetic connections back through the body Universe, and these energetic connections are never really severed, but they can be diminished, and that is what occurred many, many millennia ago here on Earth.

There was a time long ago when the Earth was connected to the rest of the Universe, we will use the term Universe, not so much galaxy, but it is also at the galactic level, but it is the Universe. And it was connected through energetic pathways that have the concept of male and female, if you will, these two pathways go parallel and are in balance, but not necessarily of the same size. And what we mean by that is to be balanced does not mean to have perfect weight on both sides. If you have a handful of Styrofoam or feathers in one and a handful of steel balls or something in the other hand, the same volume will not be the same weight, and so if you are to balance it, you would have far less of the steel balls and far more of the feathers, and that would balance that relationship.

And so the same occurs at the star system level where you have binary stars. There is a larger and a smaller star and these binary stars are more common than you are led to believe because your scientifics can not see, or they are beginning to see, but they have not in the past been able to see the smaller companion stars that are with these others. Sometimes they see them and they think they are big planets like Jupiter, but they will learn even more that they are the other Sun, the other balanced Sun.

There was a time on Earth when there were two suns in the sky, the one you call Sol today and one we would call Nova, or there are other names that it has had, and, when that was in place, communication and transportation and energies were freely, freely able to move from the Earth to the Universe at large. And this was a time when travel from star systems was easy. If you could imagine, you could bi-locate from your home to one of the stars of the Pleiades, or one of the stars of Sirius, or the Orion nebula, or whatever, Orion star systems. You could travel there instantaneously and you did it without any thought at all and you had relationships far and wide, within the Universe as a whole and in the galaxy in particular.

And this was facilitated because Earth was nurtured as a kind of a communication nexus and it was seen to be very, very successful. It started to bring together many different energies and many different civilizations as you might call them, to communicate and facilitate at Earth. Earth was like the translation place. And that is why it was important territory during what we would call the Galactic War. And so there was this desire to grab or hold onto the Earth and to do that it was necessary to destroy one of the stars. But you might consider your asteroid belt today as the remnants of that star, and parts of it became other planets, and other planets that were around it at the time took up residence or were captured by the gravitational pull of the sun system you have today.

And this is very different from what your scientifics tell you about how your solar system was created, but we are telling you they will learn just how common binary systems are. So what this did was this sort of limited one of the two pathways and stopped the free flow of communication and also transportation. Now we say this because you are now in 2012 and there is a lot of speculation of what this means, what is going to happen. And we would say that the Universe corrects problems like this. Just as your body would repair damage to a limb or something, your antibodies and your growth and your DNA would all be kicked in, and you would start to heal. In that same way that Universe can heal a star system and so it is going to begin to work in that capacity. It is going to begin to heal the damage that was done to this solar system. And part of that healing will be a new star, a new star to reconnect you with the Universe, the universe that is out there.

And so what does that mean? Well, once this star was removed, this became a very male-dominated planet, very male-dominated solar system and occasionally there would be attempts to build up feminine energies so that you could reconnect. And for a time there was some reconnection done – Atlantis was such a time, the Egyptian time was such a time, and others. But when those who think they own the planet, discovered these breaches, they were quickly discovered and destroyed. We would not say they were not quickly discovered, but they were quickly destroyed after they were discovered.

But when the next healing period occurs, you will find that there will be great assistance waiting. You all know about war-torn places that are considered off limits until they are recovered, and then all of this aid that has been waiting on ports and waiting on docks and in ships can all of a sudden pours in the place. The sort of thing happens sometimes when you have natural disasters, but it also happens when there are war-ravaged countries that are finally allowed the Red Cross or whatever to come in. Well in a way, that is what is waiting to occur here on Earth. So you all talk about, “When are the extraterrestrials going to come to help?” Part of that is waiting for the solar system Sol to heal, and once that healing process begins, there will be an opening for much of the assistance.

So, right now a lot of that assistance comes through ships, but when the energetic paths are open, you won’t need ships. Just as communication now comes very easily to those like our vehicle who channel, so too will physical things be able to come very quickly when the solar system heals, and we use the word heal also in the idea that much will have to be healed, much of the over-pushing into the male will have to be healed, much of the putting down of the feminine will have to be healed. And if is interesting to us that you are seeing the war on women occurring in the United States at this time. Why do you think that is? Why do you think there is this strong desire to push the feminine power structure back into some place of subservience, a place of no liberties, to put them back in their place?

It is because they know that that particular expression – that particular balance – if it is ever allowed to totally come into fruition, which it will, we would say they cannot stop it, but they are trying. They know that when that happens, the game is up for the male-dominated world, and so they are fighting to maintain their status as top dog. And we are here to tell them, first, being top dog isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. There is a lot more going on in the Universe than your limited little brains have allowed you to understand – number 1. Number 2, you cannot stop this flow of energy from healing this place any more than you could stop healing that happens in a person. You can keep wounding them, but the healing will keep coming back and keep coming back until you either kill it, which hopefully is not going to happen, or you let the healing finally occur.

And so, those of you wondering what is going on, watch between the lines in your news. When you see certain groupings being attacked, whether or not they are Palestinians, or whether or not they are the women in America, or whatever, ask yourself, “Is it balanced or is someone trying to keep an imbalance?” Wherever you see someone trying to keep an imbalance, we would suggest that is where the biggest changes are going to come. When you see someone who is looking at creating a balance – that will be the successful ones. If you are banking your portfolio, bank on the ones that are looking to balance things out, not on the ones that are looking to keep an imbalanced advantage. Like the derivatives, those who keep fighting to keep the derivatives, they want to keep an imbalance. They want to create this imbalance where they get the lion’s share and you get nothing. Why is that? Anyone of you who would take the time to think about it will feel pretty sick in your belly when you think about someone who would want that. And, rightfully so, because you all are beginning to reconnect, and that sense of balance and fairness is getting stronger and stronger and stronger.

And so the occupy people, yes, they are going to be put down, yes, they are going to be pushed around, but it will just build and will create even more and more and more of a thirst for that balance. You cannot kill it off because it is a natural behavior, it is a natural thing and Nature will win over the desires of man to control every time. Go try and stand up against a tornado, go try to stand up against a hurricane, or a tsunami. We will watch. Understand?

So with that, we will depart. It has been our pleasure. Good day to all of you.


Paradigm Shift in an Electric Universe


Pleiadian channeling podcast: click the play button above to listen.

Good morning. We are here. Give us a moment.

It is April the 21st, 2012. New, moon in Taurus.

We will take a moment to discuss accepted knowledge – knowledge that has been given the seal of approval by the pundits, by the authorities, by the teachers, by the textbooks. You live in a society and a culture that has high technologies, and many among you think that these wonders that you see, whether they are iPhones or cell phones or genetic splicing, all of these wonders that you see, are not an indication that your scientists have total knowledge, and nothing can be further from the truth. Many of the technologies that you see, their true physical understanding is really not known by those who build them. They sort of understand it from testings that they have done, but there is a flaw, a great flaw in your knowledge of physical reality. And this flaw is at the heart of what 2012 is all about.

When in the histories that you are aware of, when the old dogmatic, false knowledge was superseded by newer, more complete knowledge, it did not come without trouble. It did not come without pain, like being birthed. And that is true now. You have been falsely understanding the nature of the Universe, and this has not been done without purpose because those who, those who would control you, those who would consider themselves your masters, like to keep you in ignorance. But how can they keep you in ignorance and still produce the technologies that are coming out now and this has been a very tough act for them to pull off and yet they have done it.

They have done it by controlling the institutions of higher learning, they have done it be controlling institutions of scientific research, they have been controlling it through the religious, dogmatic religious authorities. Everywhere where they can stand in front of you and say don’t look here, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, your faith in your God or your faith in your scientists, or your faith in your government is at stake. And so they have sort of corralled you into a place where you produce wonderful technologies and you don’t really even understand them.

Something of this kind was done when the Manhattan Project was worked out. There were many groupings that did different things and none of them knew what their part was towards the bigger whole of building the atomic bomb. That is true now. You have different disciplines, whether they are medicine and physics and science and industrial engineers and whatever. Every one is so compartmentalized as to not be able to see a connection. They do not see the big picture, and who but your cosmologists have been the backbone of this with their belief in the big bang and their belief in the gravitational forces that control the Universe. But you are on the verge of a paradigm shift. You are on the verge of the next big flip of knowledge.

Like the judo master, you are going to leverage all of this weight of this opponent and flip it on its back. Because the knowledge is there, the information is there, but it is so compartmentalized that one grouping doesn’t know what the other grouping knows. And this is changing. Doors are opening; people are looking into each others areas of research, areas of interest. And so there is this shifting of knowledge, leveraging what is known with what is false and when that knowledge becomes part of the bigger group consciousness, many things will begin to change.

Many of the detrimental technologies will begin to be seen for their detriments. There’s great dangers in these cell towers, there are great dangers in these in these electric systems that you have built, they are disruptive to your biological systems, but your mainstream science has told you, “Oh, it can’t hurt you.” But what you are going to learn is you live in an electric Universe, that all of these electric forces have affects on you, and there are bigger, grander ones that are affecting you. And it is going to be the kind of knowledge that will forever change your point of view, your view of reality.

Our vehicle recently came upon some wonderful information in some of his own researches that has led the way for him to make the leap, to jump across the chasm, in much the same way many on the planet will make that leap as well. Because for some it won’t be a leap, for some it will be a crossing of a bridge, because the bridges are being built even now, but for others it will be the leaping across. We have said this before. Imagine there is this big chasm, you are all on one side of it wanting to get to the other, but there is one or two among you who are the most courageous and the most energetic. And imagine tying a rope on one of them with a pulley and just shooting him across, having him fly in the air and grab on to the rock on the other side. And then with the rope that was tied to him, starts to pull more and more over until a great rope bridge is built. And then many cross that and start to construct an even stronger bridge. Till the next thing you have got is the biggest suspension bridge you could imagine between the places and all of the people can now cross this chasm with ease.

That is what is occurring. And with this will come a knowledge of how the Universe really functions because that is really at the heart of the lost knowledge. You have been led to believe that you are isolated, that your planet is somehow cut off from other forces. It’s why those who dismiss astrology can do it so well. Oh, you can not imagine how something affects you when it is so far away. Is it so far away? How do they know it is so far away? “Oh, they have been watching red shifts.” Really? What is going on with these quasar red shifts? Why are they so energetic? And yet they are just as close as the things that you have been marking as being far away.

Look into these things and you will begin to discover what our vehicle has discovered this week, that a lot of the certainties are very uncertain and are absolutely wrong. Your Sun is not a nuclear furnace. The stars are not little hydrogen bombs slowly burning. The Universe is not something that is like a candle going to go out. The Universe is being given energies from a dimension you can not even perceive. Everything you see is fed from that energy place. And so here you are – you’ve got some really big astrological things going on and now it’s time to look at them as triggers in electrical circuits. The bringing together of certain circuit elements and what will that cause.

One of the star systems very closely associated with the ancients is Sirius. And those who are familiar with Sirius know it is a double star, Sirius A and Sirius B. This is the balanced star system where the male and female energies are in balance. It is more the norm than the exception. Many of the companion stars are not visible from your Earth. Many of them that the other star systems have, you can not see, but because Sirius is so close, you can see it.

So where is your companion star? Where was it? Where did it go? Why do we speak of a time in your ancient past where there was a more balanced male/female? Why is it that we speak of a time coming forward where the male and female energies will balance again? We are of course speaking of the asteroid belt and the lost planet of Marduk. We are of course speaking of Venus and how Venus was brought in to balance a very unbalanced solar system when Maduk was lost. Was it a planet or was it a companion star?

There is much information about an ancient sky much different than the sky you have today – more energetic, more alive with electrical energies. If you wonder what we are talking about, go watch a video on the auroras and the Northern lights. There was a time the whole sky was like that. How could that be? If these energies come from the Sun, but imagine now there are two binary solar systems. We are not just talking about just light, we are talking about energies beyond light. We are talking about the positive and negative, the yin and the yang, of creation, of the Universe. When you look at a galaxy, what you are seeing is the mingling of two energies, that come and swirl into existence, a male and a female, just like the yin and yang symbol.

We say this now because you are moving into this place where the feminine energies are returning. But they are not returning to squash out the male, they are returning the balance out the male. Those who have been in control, those who have been in power, those who have created their religions around this belief that the masculine is the superior, are threatened by this, and justifiably so. But it is not being done to you; it is being done by you. As a people, as an individual, you are seeking balance, a return to some place of stability, and you cannot have that stability in a masculine-only world. You can not even have procreation in a masculine-only world.

And yet now you are seeing the war on women. You are seeing the attack on their freedoms and their rights and their ability to have power, to be equal, equal pay, equal medical. equal ability to make decisions. You are seeing attack in all directions on this by the power structures that are watching themselves be threatened by this. But they are being threatened by it because they can see into the next paradigm. They are so entrenched in the paradigm they are in. They are so attached dogmatically to the paradigm they are in. And they are so afraid of the unknown. But the unknown that is coming is a more correct, true paradigm. And it will be seen that the ancients knew of this. It will become very obvious that all these ancient cultures, whether they are native Americans, whether they are the ones of South Americans , Egypt and Babylon, all over the world. They have been trying to tell you all along, but they were unable to maintain that knowledge against the onslaught of this male domination of energies.

Without the balancing of the second Sun, it was impossible to maintain the balance on the Earth. Imagine you are driving in a car and the two wheels on the one side of the car disappear. They not only go flat, they are not even there. They fall off the car. What will happen to that car? Will it continue to drive straight and narrow down the road? Will it careen off to one side? You all know what we are talking about. You have seen it in television shows, some of you have even been in cars when this has happened. You can not, no matter how hard you pull on the wheel make that car go straight anymore. It’s missing half of its wheels. It is unbalanced. There is a drag where there should not be one. That is what has occurred, and it has caused your culture to go into a spin which is very much like a car wreck happening in slow motion.

Now imagine miraculously in the midst of this, the two wheels return and you can regain control of the spinning car. That is what’s coming. And it’s for those of you who have been holding on to the chair and staying strapped in the seat and just hoping, when you see that balance return, you will know what to do. Because it will become obvious what to do, and who will you side with? Who will you listen to? What will you know in your heart?

Very similar to what we are describing in the car. You will know balance when it is returned to you. You will know the stability of four wheels under you. It will become something so natural that you will wonder how you were without it, but as a culture you know you have been without it. Whether it is in energy, whether it is in food production, whether it is in your medical services, all of these are missing something, your religious beliefs, all of it.

And so, do not worry so that you are going to miss something. You’ll miss nothing. None of you are going to miss this unless you check out. Not many of you are planning to do that, you didn’t come here for that. No, you can here to be part of the rebalancing and the stabilizing of existence here on Earth.

With that we will depart. It has been our pleasure.


Good afternoon, we are here. Give us a moment…

We are in the time of the Full Moon in Libra. It is April, we believe, the 6th, going on the 7th, and there’s much going on, that is both outwardly happening and also happening below the surface or out of sight. The energies that we speak of have been amping up more and more. We see you in a time, this 2012 period of exponential increase, and those of you who know what that means, it starts out very gradual, but then it reaches this point where it really starts to go very quickly. And you are in that exponential curve of energies. And what that does is that brings out the desperation in those who wish to struggle with these energies.

Now, what we mean by that is, you are like a bird catching one of those risers where the air goes up, and you can spread your wings and glide with it and go high up, or you can really, really work at not going up. You can pull your wings in, you can sort of drop, maybe even get on the ground and sort of huddle, and let the air that would have risen you up, occur without you.

And those who would keep you from catching this energy wish to clip your wings, whether you are female and they wish to clip your wings financially, and through health, and choices, or whether or not you are a minority, and they wish to clip your wings financially, or with services that you have been depending on and are being withdrawn from you, or whether you are someone who is even on the higher echelons of the finances being knocked back by bad press and being told,  “You are evil, you are all evil.” Nothing is so black and white.

You are now in a moon period with Libra, Libra is the balance, Libra is the scales of justice. You have right now, your Supreme Court deciding whether or not your group health program should go forward or not. And you can see the battle lines being drawn between those who really just want you to be on your own, and don’t bother them, and they don’t bother you, and it doesn’t matter. And those that wish to be more as a grouping, those who wish to work together.

And this has been the struggle since Atlantean times. This struggle came about very, very prominently in Atlantis. Those who wish to continue with the Law of One, and everyone is connected, and those who wish to not. Those who wished to see themselves as better, more deserving. And if you can think about it in the eyes of the Prime Creator, this is foolishness.

Whether you believe in Jehovah-God, or Allah-God, or whatever, if you believe in a Deity, do you really think the Deity made someone less than you or more than you? If you could look out at the universe and see its wonders, you would know that the creator of all of this is quite an advance being. And so why would all of this suffering be allowed? Why would all of this fighting and division be allowed?

For its learning, because there are certain things that you must learn, to grow. Think about it as a child. You all went to kindergarten. You all went to the lower grades. We are speaking now mostly in America, other countries as well have similar things. Some of you went into higher learning.  All of these things were meant to get you out of a place of ignorance that was leading you to a place of very low vibration. If you could just be left alone with no learning and no schools and this sort of thing, you would achieve only a certain level and nothing above that.

Imagine all of a sudden all of the schools were to vanish, and think about like two or three generations after that. So, the schools are gone, all of the learning and the books and things of this sort are gone, and you have two generations, forty years. Your society would have degenerated. No one would even know how to turn a light bulb on. How quickly it would all start to disintegrate. So it is this group learning, group connection that you then weave through the years, through time, time lines that allows you to build and build and build. And if you could imagine this is a form of energy that you are sharing. You give it, others receive it. They give it, you receive it. You build this energy together, and so how can you build energy together if you are not together?

And one of the groupings that we see now that is really starting to tear things apart is the Tea Partiers. They have decided that every grouping needs to be dealt with in some fashion, whether they are the minorities, or the women, or whatever. You name the grouping, gays. They want to really start to stop this coming together that they see happening.   Can’t have gays being families, can’t have women deciding whether they want more or less children, can’t have all of these things. Can’t have people not worrying about whether or not catastrophic illness is going to destroy them financially.  Can’t have that, must have them worrying about these things, must have this all happening. What is that?

Now, as you move past this period, if you will then begin to see more and more and more of the contrasts, they will really start to become very obvious. And one of the things you will see more and more and more of this divisive crowd, is they will try to make the other side be guilty of what they are doing. You will see a lot of this. “Oh they do it too”, or “They’re doing it as well” or “They do it more”. But under the scrutiny of facts, it will not be seen to be true. It will all be rhetoric; it will all be words attempting to shift consciousness. Now, what we are here to tell you is that many, many, many people are switching on, and they are not going to be taken easily by words. They are going to look for the feeling, the energies. They are going to see how they feel about something, and we are not saying in a touchy-feely kind of way. We are saying in a very visceral way. They are going to get sick, they are going to feel nauseous when certain individuals attempt to use words to sway them. And others, they will feel enlivened and invigorated and an upward feeling. And they will know who is bullshitting them and who is not, who has the best interest of everyone and who does not, because if your interests are so opposed to everyone else’s, then you are really a part of a problem that this energy is here to correct.

It is kind of like trying to get an orchestra to play well. If you are going to sit there and keep not playing, not following the music, not following the conductor, then you will find yourself not in the band, not in the orchestra. Because this is a time when you are really starting…

Have you ever seen when there is, just before a concert, there’s all of these stray sounds and people testing their instruments and all. And then you hear that knock- knock, you will hear the knock of the conductor. That is what is going on here now. And so, those who are intending to be part of the orchestra and make the beautiful music that this orchestra has been brought together to make, they will sit up straight, and they will grab their instruments, and be ready. Those who are here to make sure nothing of the kind happens will start to kick things around, knock things over. And so you will see who is doing what, who is which kind of an individual.  We will tell you there a lot fewer of those who want to stop the music or prevent the orchestra from having its play, its debut, but they are very vocal and they are shameless.  So, as you begin to notice more and more and more of the accusations that seem to not feel credible to you, versus the accusations that do, you will begin to notice who is fanning the fires of which, who is attempting to get everyone to cooperate and to bring their uniqueness to the party, and who is attempting to destroy in every direction – the land, the air, the culture, the civilization.

And we are here to tell you, this energy that we speak of works in a miraculous way, and so tap into it, feel it, sense it. And if you feel that you are being attacked in some way, use this energy, feel this energy building a barrier, a bubble of energy around you that qualifies anything that would step into that energy field because that is what you will do. You will build this energy as a grouping and you will begin to push out and you will see it. You will see it begin to clear up things in a hurry, whether it is the land and the air and the water, or whether it is the psyche and the working together that people are doing. This country has vast resources, but you don’t have to destroy your land and your water and your air to exploit them. You will be surprised just how little of that you really need to do. One of the big ones that is coming is energy.

You are going to be weaning yourself off of this oil monkey. To those who tell you, “Drill baby drill”, they are attempting to destroy. They are not attempting to build. It is a process going on and that process is turning you as a people to a new paradigm, and greed and destruction are not part of that paradigm.

With that we will depart. It has been our pleasure.


Pleiadian Network Vernal Equinox Channeling


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Good Morning. We are here. Give us a moment…

We are on the 20th of March, 2012. It is the day of equinox. Where to begin today. So much is going on within the earth sphere Terra that anyone who is not feeling the bubbling energies is kidding themselves. They have become so numb that they would not know someone burning their toe. Remember the cartoon characters when you would see someone would put a match under someone’s foot, give them a hot foot to get their attention. If you are not fully engaged and attentive to the changes, to the energies going now, then someone should give you a hot foot and wake you up. Let us give you that hot foot now because you are seeing great, vast energies impinging the Earth and it is enlivening all the beings on this planet. Not just humans, but the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, those animals that live in the sea. Everyone is getting it, that there is a change, a shift in progress.

Now, there are those who would fight that shift. There are those that do not want the aggregate life forms on the planet to realize their value and their strength. So, they are going to push back, they are going to push back with great ferocity, like what is going on right now in Syria, what is going to be occurring in New York against the Occupiers. They have made a decision that they are going to fight this. We are here to tell you they are very small, very isolated grouping and they will see themselves be torn apart if they insist on struggling and fighting. And so, whether it is the groupings that wish to destroy the land and the water, and the air, whether it is the groupings that wish to control and subjugate, whether is the groupings who wish to poison and cheat, whoever, they will all begin to find themselves struggling an uphill battle, struggling against the forces of gravity, of levity, of the universe pushing at them. Imagine, you’ve all seen the images of the atomic bomb when it blows up and what it does to a house or something that is in its way. It tends to want to push back on it. It get s ripped first forward as it gets sucked in , pushed backwards and blown away. Blown away. Theses are the stop action, slow motion photos you have seen during the testing of these weapons. Well, the energy that is coming through is a lot like that. And so, you can lighten up and let the energies flow through you or you can gird up and try to block it and you will be like one of the homes or one of the buildings in the atomic bomb videos you all have seen.

There is great wisdom in much of the Star Wars series of videos and movies and particularly when the Jedi master is teaching young Luke about the Force. He says it is an energy that flows through you, works with you, feel it. This was Mr. Lucas trying to tell you all about what was coming in 2012 in his own way. So, see if you cannot be uplifted by the energies, see if you cannot see it as a way of rising maybe to a higher standard of living, a higher tax bracket, whatever. Understand? See yourself being uplifted by this.

When our vehicle was living in California, he used to drive to and from this one place on a bicycle. It was a place called Suisun City, which is Indian for West Wind. It was a very breezy place. And whenever he would ride it into town, it was 10 miles on a bike. He would ride into town and he would fight the wind the whole way. He would fight the wind, fight the wind, fight the wind. But then when he return back to his home, the wind would be at his back. He could ride without hands on the wheel, he was very adept at doing that. So he could open the jacket like a sail and use the wind to guide him home. It was why he liked to bicycle to the town because he knew the ride home would be easy. We are here to tell you that his time period is like that for many of you if you could just realize the wind is at your back, and you can open your jacket and really get a lift from it. See that, see yourself as someone who has struggled for some time to get to a position, but now, it’s time to let gravity, levity, let the wind assist you, whether it is a rising tide of financial successes., whether it is a rising tide of knowledge of eating better and being healthier, or learning how to work with your neighbors and become more coherent, cohesive as a community. Whatever. Theses are the things that you will begin to see.

You will see group actions for people who want justice for what is right, what is fair. Those who would fight justice, fairness, are going to find themselves struggling and those who would assist in fairness and what is right will find their steps lighter and easier.

The elections are moving forward and we see Mr. Romney moving closer and closer to the being the Republican nominee. But we also see the economy rising, we also see good news on many fronts which will assist Mr. Obama. And you really need to wonder about the Republican grouping. Does it not look like they are the ones who are fighting everything? Isn’t it obvious to anyone that they wish to push you back to some place. Some say the 50’s, we would say the 1650s or the 1250’s. They wish to bring you back to the Dark Ages, make serfs out of you all. But that is not where you are headed. It is not where the planet needs to go and the people who are here knew what they were coming for. You did not just happen along at this time. You made conscious choices to be here, to take part in what is occurring because this kind of thing gets your jones up. Understand? So be uplifted, see if you can begin to really notice the glass is half full and is continuing to be filled up now.

Very good. It has been our pleasure.


Go Forward or Stagnate: It’s Your Choice


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Good morning we are here.

It is March 8th, 2012. Full moon in Virgo. Sun in Pisces.

We will talk for a moment about the idea of hidden agendas, what people will show the outside world and what they will keep hidden, and how many people in authority have been keeping certain aspects of their personality hidden or at least not making it something in the public.

You had this man, Rush Limbaugh, speaking on the radio, vile, awful things about a young woman and he kept amping it up, worse and worse and worse until on the third day or fourth day he said, “If we are going to pay for something for you, we want sex videos of you.” And everyone who was listening to him said, “what!?” All of a sudden this man showed something of his inner thinking, a level of depravity. It was one thing to be a vile conservative spokesperson, it’s another thing to be a depraved degenerate asking young women to create sex videos for your pleasure.

That was something that everyone who was even a Rush Limbaugh fan said, “what, you sick old fart, you!” and that is what is causing him a lot of trouble. And what is it? What is was, was he kept digging and digging and digging until he pulled the gunk out of his psyche and spewed it out onto the radio. There is another instance of a federal judge who we believe blogged a joke, a very degenerate, terrible joke about the President, and about his innate feelings towards the black people of this country, and all minorities. And this was a judge who showed his inner aspects of himself. Now you can apologize for these things and people can accept your apology or not, but the fact remains that somewhere in your degenerate thinking this kind of thing is funny, or this kind of thing is okay, or this kind of thing is what you are really thinking.

And ideally as this month unfolds, as this moon unfolds, more and more of the real thinking, what is really going on inside the minds of people can begin to come out.

We have been seeing a lot of this with some of the election information coming from the Santorum man, what he really thinks. Romney, what he really thinks. And this is important because for too long you have allowed yourself to accept the face that people give you, the false mask that they wear. You are okay with that, and so you let these people stay in charge of things. You let them stay judges or you let them stay influence personalities on the radio or whatever, but this information is really necessary for you to understand their true purpose, their true agenda.

And again, this is a time of information coming forward that you can make informed decisions about.

Look at Obama, he is doing his damnedest not to get into a shooting war with Iran, yet you’ve got people all around him beating the drums, beating the drums, “war, war, war.” What he knows gives him the confidence to pursue the diplomatic solutions that take time. Surely you can jump into a war right away and just start killing people and let G*d sort it out, but a true wise man takes his time, measures his steps, walks a path that is clearly for the benefit of all. But the drum beat on the right and the drumbeat, even a little on the left saying, “oh, you’ve got to do something.”

What you don’t know could fill volumes of books.

And so what do you find out about Obama, that he really, really, really wants a diplomatic solution. He is not a chicken hawk looking for a reason for a fight and that he is taking the more difficult path. Why? Because for him and what he knows, this is the one that will reap the greatest benefit, economically, socially, geopolitically, in every way. It is what he tried to do – we believe he had some great success in Libya. He did not want it to be a fighting war until it looked like there was no other way to prevent mass slaughter. Now some would say, “what is he doing in Syria?” Syria is a different issue.

When Tiananmen Square massacre occurred back in the eighties, the United States didn’t jump in and go to war with China. Why? Because that is a big mistake, and although it is a terrible thing to watch happen, that wasn’t the solution to the problem and the same can be said now of Syria. Yes, it is terrible to watch this man shelling his people and killing his people by the bushels, but they are not Libya.

Now those who have no idea of the geopolitical arena, those who think they can see Russia from their back door, so they know everything there is to know about Russia, it is easy for them to have simple solutions. But you are not in a time of simple solutions. You are in a time of very complicated, very complex solutions.

The times for simple solutions are in the past. We are not sure they were ever so simply that they did so well, look at Vietnam. Ask the Russians about Afghanistan. All of these things seem to be so simple, but you did follow these simple rules, these simple ideas. They will no longer work. You cannot unilaterally control the whole world as a country, as a culture. It is foolish to even contemplate that, and so you have more complex leaders who are able to work these larger more complicated issues out, and yet you see on the right this great desire to make idiots out of all of you, as if – if you are stupid, they can do stupid things, but you are all getting a little too sharp for them, you are waking up, like all of the women to the assault on their fertility and their bodies.

Our vehicle heard a funny joke, the Republicans think the same way about the economy as they do about women: they don’t know much about how it works but they can’t wait to get their hands on it and screw with it.

What we are saying is you are seeing the inner workings, the inner drives, if you will of people. This is what Pluto is doing; Pluto is going deep into people’s psyches and pulling the muck out to the surface, clearing the swamps so to speak so that you as an energetic being can be informed about your decisions because you are in a consensus reality and as long as you have been dumb and numbed down, others could feed you what you needed to learn, what you needed to know. But when you start to wake up, when you start to look around you, you are like a child that no longer wants to eat simple foods. You are like a child that no longer wants to be read simple stories out of simple story books. You want the newspaper. You want to know what is going on around you. And that is the kind of energies you are in, that you will come forward with more and more and more desire for knowing.

Now there is another aspect of this that you need to think about. What would you do with what you know? And this is where the idea of real forgiveness and a real understanding that you are not that different than what you vilify because it is part of the human condition. The great heights that people can go to, the soldier that went in to save his family members only to perish with them, or the Rush Limbaughs who denigrate a young girl, two aspects, two extremes, but if you can say one thing about them, they are both humans and so they are both yours.

And so, to the extent that you can feel wonderful for the heroism of this one person, have compassion, have forgiveness, have all of the qualities for the other as well. This is not a time to be sloughing off people; this is not a time to be cutting all of these off. It is kind of like being out in the water in a life raft. Yes there might be a sick person on the life raft; maybe there are others that are quite well.

This is not a time to throw the sick ones overboard, because you are all in this together.

Know that if you can get that sick person rescued with you, you have done a wonderful thing. And so be careful of the beating of the drums to go after every transgression because if you are going after these little ones now what are you going to do about the big ones that come up later. What are you going to do about the really big, big ones? We would suggest that just like being on that life raft, it’s going to be more important to think about survival than about etiquette and protocol.

The sun is very active right now. It is bombarding your planet with energies. Why? Because it is being bombarded with energies from the Galactic Center, which is causing it to froth and bubble up and to send energies to you, to the whole planet.

See yourself collecting that energy, see yourself going outside with buckets and whatever, pans, anything you can that can catch a cup, to catch this energy because it is going to nourish you, it is going to help you grow, beyond the current stagnant place you have been. Like what happens in the winter when the winter turns to spring. All of a sudden the energies start to assist you in growth. Is that a time to go back and say, “well, really, I want to go back to no growth?” For one, you don’t have that option. Tell that to the blade of grass that cracks through the concrete. The other is – it is not your nature.

Your nature is to take this energy and grow with it, all of you. So see that happening. See those who have been hiding themselves coming forward and maybe asking forgiveness, maybe not. But see if you can forgive them anyway, because forgiveness is not done for the person. Forgiveness is done for you so that you can take your mind’s energies and put it somewhere else more constructive, more uplifting.

Do you really want to spend all of your time running a campaign to crush Rush Limbaugh’s radio show, or do you want to run a campaign to bring free energies, bring cleaner food, awaken people to the dangers of a toxic planet?

It is your choice: one allows you to go forward, one stagnates you where you are.

With that we will depart. It has been our pleasure.


New Moon in Pisces: the Whole World is Watching


Listen to this Pleiadian podcast below.

In this channeling:

  • New Moon in Pisces, Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, and tomorrow the restrictions of Lent.
  • How a retrograded male dominance is attempting to “regress” to a previous time and morality that was very detrimental to the female. How far away are you from the stockades, rounding up all these uppity women with their progressive ideas?
  • Why the strong, powerful and authoritative American woman will not go backwards.
  • How you are in an astrological time when the feminine should be bursting out onto the world scene, and how men have over stepped for thousands of years.
  • How some are shocked at the direction the political discourse is taking, the idea that you should not be watching out for the abuses of the environment.
  • How your ignorant population is asking how do we turn back to that place of ignorance where we felt so comfortable?
  • How the next few moons will be a dynamic of a return to unconsciousness versus an embracing of consciousness.
  • How when you say outrageous things to small groupings of cheering nincompoops, it reverberates out into the sounding boards of the planet.
  • How dark secrets are not secret anymore and you will be brought to account for these things in the larger stage that is the Earth, in all of humanities.
  • How as more information comes out about what has been hidden from you, then you will be able to make educated decisions about what it means to be a person, to be an individual and at the same time part of the whole.
  • How there is a much bigger story than is currently in your history books about how you got where you are. How there are people on this planet now who found the halls of records and know the roots of your history.
  • How as information comes out, it will become clear that “history belongs to the victor.”
  • How this is not going to be all that new in the scheme of things, and you have survived it before and you have even thrived beyond it before.

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The Tides of Change


Listen to this Pleiadian podcast below.

In this channeling:

  • How there is a lot of turmoil engulfing the planet, and seemingly opposing forces are coming into play, but you are in the midst of a process that is timed.
  • How Neptune moving into Pisces will start to dissolve all rigid constructs that all go back to a previous era in your history.
  • How it is easy to feel apprehensive about what is going when you see yourself in segregated groupings and these segregations are false.
  • How the water is “coming in” quite naturally to dissolves the rigid constructs.
  • How when you try to fight the tide, you get knocked around.
  • How you cannot wall up life from experiencing its freedoms.
  • See the rulebooks that have been keeping you at each other’s throats dissolving in the wave of energy.
  • How we are not here to speak untruths, we are here to help you understand the process.
  • How Mr. Eastwood’s Super Bowl commercial, where he says, “it is Half Time in America,” is a wonderful metaphor for where you are as a species.
  • How the only concern that you really have is how to let go of some of the things that have been holding you back as a species.
  • How certain technologies and modalities have been kept from you that can help.
  • How the free energy movement is coming.
  • So, be careful of the rigidity that you bring with you from the past because it’s going to dissolve, going to need to dissolve, for you to see beyond the scarcity that has been gripping you for so long.

Channeling podcast:


Ground Hog’s Day Channeling


Listen to this Pleiadian podcast below.

In this channeling:

  • How the movie, “Ground Hog’s Day” relives a day over and over, till its right, not that it is a perfect day, but the most lived day. That is a theme to think about going forward.
  • How the idea that you can hide things about yourself is very 3D and how the veil keeping you from knowing more is lifting and going forward you cannot hide information.
  • How you are not here to be an extremist, but to have moderation in all things.
  • How you will be able to tell when you are being hoodwinked.
  • How social medias are showing you what is possible in the electronic world in terms of relating, sharing information and finding like minded groupings, and if it is possible in the electronic world, the intuitive, psychic world has it in spades.
  • How all sides have little pieces of what is needed to come into balance and how the biggest piece, the one kept from you, is your own inner knowing.
  • As you move further into 2012, see yourself like the Bill Murray character learning and adjusting, learning that falsely showing affection does not work. Only when it truly comes from the heart does it work.
  • How the last day in the movie is a selfless day, the day he breaks out of that cycle.

Channeling podcast:


Listen to this Pleiadian podcast below.

In this channeling:

  • How we consider the dragon one of the earliest inhabitants of this reality and this is why all continents have the dragon as part of their mythologies.
  • How SOPA and PIPA legislations were shot down and many don’t believe the argument that the Internet is killing American creativity and how it is doing anything but.
  • How if you create content and your content is being copied, you have a legitimate right to be concerned but you cannot kill the technology because you don’t’ like what it does.
  • How the real question is, why are you doing all of these things, to create money and be rich and to have other people be poor or are you doing all of this to help the society and the people reach their potentials?
  • How the only way a culture can reach its potentials is when information can flow freely.
  • How other pieces of information are going to flip your world on its end like Copernicus.
  • How you are on the pinnacle of a very unsustainable environment.
  • Why the manipulation of the culture cannot be sustained permanently.
  • How this is the year of proof of what has been prophesied.
  • How Hopi elders are holding back choice pieces of information until you are ready for it.
  • How the desire for retribution can slow you down.
  • How a Camelot Project interview speaks of the idea that there’s one time line ahead. There is a reset point coming, it has to do with the idea of Chaos Theory.
  • How out of chaos can come order and there is much chaos, but the order that is coming behind it is not being affected any more by what is going on in the chaotic environment.
  • So it’s going to be a very interesting year, it is a year of change, it is a year that you will all look back on and say, “Wow, 2012, whew, a lot of crazy things happened then, but look at the world we are in now, much better place.”
  • If you are looking for vengeance, if you are looking for criminals to throw in jail, you haven’t got enough jail space for them. But if you are looking for peace, prosperity, abundance, see it big enough even for these corporate raiders to join you.

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